Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] be possible " in BNC.

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1 Yet most modern models of language , from Saussure 's onwards , give a fuller and more coherent account of it than traditional grammar ever did , and therefore offer the possibility of describing the linguistic features of texts far more exactly than was possible with the rag-bag of grammatical and metaphorical terminology on which criticism has traditionally depended .
2 That 's why I asked you to join us as soon as was possible .
3 Since the university was American funded and run , Colonel Mortimer had considered it prudent to pay it a personal visit as soon as was possible .
4 The great advantages of using a computer lie in its ability to select the records of specific kinds of people very much more quickly than is possible with a manual record system , and to extract and present information required in a wide variety of formats These two applications of a computer not only save a vast amount of time .
5 After that , London , as quickly as was possible .
6 It does so more thoroughly than was possible in Dr Reaney 's general exposition .
7 Acceptance of the separate stages of rehearsal , drafting , revision , editing and publishing as normal practice for writers encourages children with special needs to express their ideas in writing more confidently than was possible when children were expected to get everything right at the first attempt .
8 Any educational intervention in these centres , however , must be carefully monitored so that the effects of different models of education can be assessed more accurately than is possible at the moment .
9 She recently wrote to me and I am glad to be able to respond more fully now than was possible in correspondence .
10 The genealogist who has traced his family tree as far back as is possible through the use of the civil registration records kept at St Catherine 's House , London , and local registry offices then turns naturally to the baptism , marriage and burial registers of the Church of England for the preceding generations .
11 In so far as is possible , such new activities should depend on local human and physical resources .
12 Teachers will be able to identify pupils ' weaknesses , which they will then be expected , so far as is possible , to correct .
13 In the case of a terraced house or semi , inspection ( so far as is possible ) must be made of party walls , roof junctions , fire partition of roof spaces , common drives and paths ; then let your solicitor deal with any problems of maintenance and repair arising , but be sure to establish the responsibilities .
14 For the surgery being considered here , often called ‘ conversion surgery ’ , involves one or more of several procedures which aim to transform as far as is possible the subject 's anatomy so that it approximates that of a member of the preferred sex .
15 What is needed is a public examination system based outside school , which will act as an incentive , not an inhibition , to curricular reform , and will as far as is possible assess pupils accurately , without at too early a stage designating some as ‘ non-examinable ’ or beyond the educational pale .
16 Their request , therefore is that the NBCW provides a regular input expressing as far as is possible , the concerns and views of women in the Church on topics which seem to women to be most crucial or fundamental .
17 Students demonstrate their intellectual and imaginative powers , their understanding , judgement and critical self-awareness through practical work that , as far as is possible , reflects the actual conditions of publishing , including the commercial imperative .
18 These two features reduce the myth to the level of ‘ theory ’ as far as is possible — that is cultural anthropology removes the myth from the context of its telling and translates ( decodes ) it into an abstract theoretical language .
19 They have , so far as is possible , wished to interpret the texts within a context of earlier teaching and pre-conciliar practice , against which the Council was , to a considerable extent , deliberately reacting ; yet , as the texts even as finally formulated remain to a considerable extent a jumble deriving from different hands and including material composed substantially before the Council began , there is much in them to countenance such a viewpoint .
20 Thus human beings , animals , plants , and all other genuine units in the world , on whatever scale , struggle each to exist in its own way , this , on the one side , being a matter of a certain physical individual having an inbuilt tendency to operate , so far as is possible , to preserve itself , in its distinctive form , and on the other hand , of the corresponding mind having an inbuilt tendency to preserve its particular form of experience .
21 UI and the suppliers hope such an ABI will enable independent software vendors to develop one binary version of an application that will , as far as is possible , run unchanged across shrink wrapped desktop Unix products like Solaris , Unix SVR4.2 , UnixWare and OpenDesktop .
22 This will allow independent software vendors ( ISVs ) — as far as is possible — to create one version of an application that will run under multiple , graphical-based Unix environments on the same microprocessor platforms .
23 As far as is possible the control procedures adopted for all other forms should be followed .
24 So it is essential to memorise your line of ascent as far as is possible , piecing together its major features and landmarks , even the times taken for each section , so as to smooth your downward passage .
25 Those rules are therefore designed to preclude , in so far as is possible and from the outset , the possibility of a situation arising such as that referred to in article 27(3) , that is to say the non-recognition of a judgment on account of its irreconcilability with a judgment given in a dispute between the same parties in the state in which recognition is sought .
26 As far as is possible it is preferable to charge the actual cost incurred rather than a percentage assessment to the cost accounts .
27 Because much of the product is already familiar to readers this review will concentrate , so far as is possible , on the upgrades and the reasons behind them rather than the existing features .
28 Once the communications parameters have been set up the whole process is very simple and , so far as is possible , completely error-free .
29 On this basis you ensure as far as is possible that Decision Height is reached at a point where the field is ahead of you and visual contact established .
30 Under our system , it falls to the police to ensure that such events are organised in such a way that disorder does not ensue , and that so far as is possible , the event can take place with as little dislocation to the ordinary life of the community as is compatible with the proper exercise of freedom of speech in public .
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