Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] understand " in BNC.

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1 So once you understand and my calculator can do sort of ten to the minus point four seven .
2 He and she were similar but he had a natural goodness which she lacked , and she did not want to claim aloud that she understood him because that , in itself , would lead to misunderstanding .
3 Dogs understand each other better than they understand people .
4 They understand what we say better than we understand them .
5 ‘ So you understand me better than I understand myself .
6 Humility is to orient our lives towards God , so that we understand and obey him in a greater and greater sense .
7 Make your intentions clear to everyone so that they understand :
8 She will probably welcome your offer of help with such matters as the registration of the death , notifying distant friends , putting an announcement of death in local or national newspapers if she wants this , and dealing with kindly enquiries from neighbours in a tactful way , so that they understand that she may not be feeling like having too many callers at first but will greatly appreciate their help and sympathy in a few days ' ( or weeks , ) time ; and making arrangements for the funeral and any family gathering that is to take place afterwards .
9 Cross-references direct students to compound nouns , opposites , confusables , and related words so that they understand words better and learn more vocabulary
10 It 's worth pointing this out to your students too , so that they understand why you set the tasks you do when you use video with them .
11 The ball raised approximately £40,000 for the Time Walker Education Endowment Fund , which will provide education for future generations so that they understand the vital importance of conservation .
12 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
13 Careful pre-test counselling is essential so that you understand all the advantages and disadvantages of knowing if you have HIV , and can make your own informed decisions about whether to continue with your pregnancy .
14 So you do n't ask and you get sort of so that you understand less and less and eventually you think , Oh I do n't feel like going to school today it 's fractions again .
15 He is also much more positive than many earlier organization theorists , who emphasized the complexities of individual behaviour in organizations but did little to help top managers except to say their task was very difficult and that they might do better if they understood that .
16 The two points which were made most strongly were , firstly , that they are so very much like humans in their reasoning and strategic thinking and secondly , that , to quote Dr Goodall , ‘ Only if we understand can we care .
17 Only if you understand what the clause is supposed to do , can you assess whether or not it is terribly important to your side and negotiate accordingly .
18 Maybe he would worry less if he understood the situation .
19 To which my answer is absolutely not — especially if you understand modern socialism too as a result of an Enlightenment view of the world .
20 I am not arguing therefore that metaphors should not change , but that it is impossible for us to change them organically unless we understand them in the first place .
21 Some people who need extra care and can afford the cost actually choose it , perhaps because they understand the advantages of releasing a daughter and other family members from the 24-hour responsibility of caring .
22 Absurdly , she felt hurt ; the more so because she understood his feelings about his name .
23 They become homophobic long before they understand what it is they fear . ’
24 The pragmatist might suggest that precision is fine only so long as everyone understands the term : in fact , Pulex irritans is less obviously a flea , than ‘ flea ’ .
25 Just so long as we understand each other . ’
26 ‘ Good , ’ he said coldly , ‘ just so long as we understand each other .
27 So long as they understand or we have communicated to them , why we want them to do that .
28 So long as they understand that there 's this also the erm you know er said to me , Oh it 's just English sort of said differently .
29 ‘ Fine — just so long as they understand that I mean what I say . ’
30 I explained that the meeting could elect anything it wished so long as it understood that the ‘ original organisers , … would make up their own minds what status , if any , to accord those elected .
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