Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] related to " in BNC.

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1 The cognitive factors which are significantly related to sign performance in hearing signers are reasoning , cloze and embedded figures , with the last one being most highly related to sign-to-English translation .
2 The course is only loosely related to the Pimlico Connection scheme , but 15 students each year choose tutoring in schools as their fieldwork for the course .
3 For example , the perceived colours of objects are only loosely related to the wavelengths of light that they reflect into our eyes .
4 Questions of a possible denial of free speech arise in particular where the ‘ expression ’ is not a reprehensible exploitation of the defendant 's notoriety but is a literary production only loosely related to the defendant 's crimes .
5 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
6 The disease produced is not necessarily obviously related to any discernible precipitating cause , which makes the classification of diseases according to the symptoms and with a known list of causes somewhat meaningless and arbitrary .
7 The consequence of this is one key problem that the venture capital industry faces : not so much related to the price of loan capital , but to its availability and the conditions under which it is lent .
8 On the basis of this schema it can be argued that the high-water mark of class/party correlation in the 1960s , registered above , was not so much related to the current policies of the political parties , as to the ‘ delayed ’ effect of the social conditions of the interwar depression years and the substantial shifts within popular ideology and political alignment during and immediately after the second world war .
9 His examples include [ 11 ] , which is not so obviously related to an apposition of phrases : If [ 11 ] is an example of apposition , then the assumption that cases of loose apposition are reductions of non-restrictive or appositive relative clauses can not be maintained .
10 This may be so , but Japan 's overwhelming success in electronic product areas less obviously related to their own market requirements suggests that they would have triumphed anyway .
11 Particular industries are no longer overwhelmingly concentrated in particular regions , and the character of the regions is not so directly related to the industries predominant within them .
12 Moreover , much of the work has been concerned with the analysis of the spectra and the interpretation of the parameters obtained in terms of theory ; though this is an essential part of understanding of the chemistry of transition metals , it is less directly related to determining the structures of their compounds .
13 These changes were obviously directly related to rising real incomes but they resulted , also , from the system of taxation [ Kay and King , 1978 ] .
14 Our findings confirm the transient , intense viraemia observed by others in symptomatic , primary HIV-1 infection , which was associated with an especially large reduction in platelet count , perhaps directly related to intense viral replication .
15 Instead he links meaning and linguistic structure through a concept of the sign in which the signified ( the meaning ) is only arbitrarily related to the signifier ( the phonological or graphological form of the sign ) :
16 His later role as a kind of travelling salesman of international anti-semitism is only tangentially related to the scope of this study , although he was to be of considerable significance in his role as vice-president of the IFL and the legacy he bequeathed to Arnold Leese was to help him revive racial nationalism after the Second World War .
17 The PIMS data still give some cause for puzzlement over the question of investment intensity , however , because Buzzell and Gale show that five-year averages of ROI are highly positively related to increases in the long-term value of the business , both being closely and positively associated with initial competitive position .
18 But , as Giddens insists , human interactions and emotions are also constrained and constructed by social relations which are only partly related to the spatial contexts in which they take place .
19 The intestinal permeability test result was even less reliably related to the gliadin intake than the antigliadin antibody test .
20 Such testing is only indirectly related to providing a measure of particular competencies or curricular objectives and not at all to providing a description of them .
21 It is a matter of normal practice in the natural sciences for the human judgement involved in a measurement to be only indirectly related to the variable property which is the primary focus of interest .
22 Their relevance outside the situation for which they were designed , where eventual aims can not be so readily related to learning objectives , should not therefore be taken on trust ( see Widdowson 1983 ) .
23 It has been observed that there are failures in both these respects and that ‘ [ e ] mpirical analyses consistently show that fluctuations in the stock price can be only modestly related to economic realities ’ .
24 The first view is related to the need for the pupil 's own native language or dialect to be respected : Standard English has to be treated very sensitively in schools , since dialect is so closely related to pupils ' individual identity .
25 As the language of mathematics is so tightly defined , the ability to use mathematics to communicate in a particular language may take longer to develop than we would expect , and this may lead us to underestimate pupils ' grasp of ideas , particularly since language is so closely related to culture .
26 The third question is so closely related to changes in the forms of rural settlement and to the growth and decline of towns that it is best considered in these contexts ; the present chapter will concentrate on the scale of mortality and the fluctuations in the total population of England in the century and a half before 1529 .
27 Phylogenetic comparisons of the coxI protein sequences allow us to conclude that the P.wickerhamii mtDNA is much closer related to higher plant mtDNAs than to those of the chlorophyte alga C.reinhardtii .
28 But this misses Grice 's essential insight , namely that what the speaker means by U is not necessarily closely related to the meaning of 0 at all .
29 In fact , the two meetings we observed were concerned with a number of issues more or less closely related to the concerns of the project .
30 First , he takes ‘ meaning ’ rather than knowledge or rationality as his point of departure and , secondly , his headings are less closely related to conventional subject headings : symbolics ( including language , mathematics and other non-discursive symbolic forms ) , empirics ( natural and social sciences ) , aesthetics ( the arts ) , synnoetics ( personal knowledge ) , ethics , and synoptics ( history , religion , philosophy ) .
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