Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] community [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the heat is on for community care implementation and tempers among your workmates may be beginning to fray a little at the edges , welcome news has arrived courtesy of Bart 's Conferences .
2 Recognition of the importance of housing , especially for community care policies , led to the building of an increasing number of small dwellings by local authorities including one-bedroomed flats and bungalows .
3 Federal Judge Kimba Wood disregarded an appeal by Milken 's lawyer for a sentence composed entirely of community service .
4 Roger : I 'm delighted to be involved at this early stage , especially in Community Action .
5 Research has shown that loneliness is an occupational hazard for the modern housewife , who is often cut off not only from community life but from family life — in the wider sense also .
6 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
7 To date , in certain areas of company law , minimum standards have been laid down at Community level , and apply to companies throughout the EC , irrespective of where they are incorporated or have their central administration .
8 ‘ People have to come together at community level , to begin to talk and break down barriers .
9 L 288 , p. 1 ) , in conjunction with the thirteenth recital in the Preamble thereto , from which it appeared that the principle of non-discrimination was one of the ‘ minimum requirements ’ laid down by Community law in that field .
10 That argument might have some merit only if the requirements laid down by Community law with regard to the exercise by the member states of the powers which they retained with regard to the registration of vessels conflicted with the rules of international law .
11 We took the view that this was a misplaced use , both of the finances required as it would divert money away from community provision , but also that there were no success criteria guaranteed other than removal from community .
12 Welfare rights and patients ' monies ' officers are , indeed , needed in every service and not just in community care , but at present there is doubt as to who should pay for them .
13 The implementation of the European Community 's 1992 programme depends very heavily on the enactment of new law , not just at Community level , but also — because most Community law does not work directly , but relies on national implementing measures — at national level .
14 In Bassetlaw the liaison sister for elderly people , Frances Fairclough , has been seconded to look generally at community care planning and specifically at discharge procedures .
15 Erm , the rest of this money would be used part to fund additional workers in er minority ethnic community groups , children 's groups the community service strong support with housing officers in dealing with housing management problems and a a and possibly from community radio among others .
16 Some firms of solicitors have offices in Brussels so that they can provide a good quality of service to their clients whose interests are governed directly by Community law .
17 Furthermore , the Schengen Treaty indicates matters on which the signatory states are to take common initiatives at the Community level , such as VAT harmonization , and it requires the development of common policies by its participants in areas such as visas for citizens of non-Member States of the EC — a matter which would be brought expressly into Community competence by the Maastricht Treaty under Article 100c , providing that ‘ the Council , acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , shall determine the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of the Member States ’ .
18 Plans for broadcasting in the First Five Year Plan included the setting up of community listening points , the building of regional and satellite stations , the replacement of transmitters and the provision of a tape transcription service for the better preservation and use of recorded material at Broadcasting House .
19 For him , Paisleyism and republicanism were allies , both movements bent on destroying Northern Ireland through the stirring up of community strife .
20 This philosophy was massively endorsed by the Scarman Report ( Scarman , 1981 ) , which advocated the setting up of community liaison procedures and the use of ‘ beat ’ officers as the principal ways of ensuring greater trust and co-operation between the police and their public .
21 The Museum of Contemporary Art has run up against community opposition to its $55-million proposal to redevelop a two-acre block in the city 's Streeterville district .
22 Here , the objective has been to involve the local community , first , in awareness of its own problems , provision of access to relevant information about them , and the alternative solutions that might be constructed to solve them ; and , second , in the development of local community groups , concerned partly with further analysis and discussion , partly with building community consciousness and collective involvement , and partly with community action to improve conditions and ameliorate problems .
23 It is , nevertheless , interesting to note that the Council Decision 88/840 on the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on the protection of the ozone layer , agreements which were obviously negotiated on the footing that they fell partly within Community competence and partly within the competence of the Member States , contained provisions which actually instructed the Member States as a matter of Community law to deposit their national instruments of ratification , acceptance , approval or accession , by 1 January 1989 .
24 In the late 1980s the Conservative government legislated for the introduction of internal markets in the public sector , notably in community care , health and education .
25 I have lived in North Oxford since September 1978 ad been actively involved locally , eg. in Community Education , the Port Meadow Enquiries and Walton Street Coop Shop Committee .
26 Both Gary Smith and Barry Dowdeswell , chief executive of the Royal Victoria Infirmary , Newcastle 's oldest teaching hospital , agreed that the acute hospitals had only just woken up to community care .
27 On the environmental side it will be vital to ensure that the standards , rules and codes of practice drawn up at Community level are appropriate to all our circumstances and are capable of being enforced economically and efficiently .
28 ‘ It is important that laws drawn up at community level are seen to be applied in an effective and consistent manner throughout the community . ’
29 The themes Knapp picks out about community care , the mixing of the economy and the drive to cut municipal costs , viewed in the light of the OECD concern to develop customer charging for services , assume a market among those with long-term illnesses or needs for support .
30 There are no age sets , no descent groups , no warrior societies , no formal council of mature men , no moiety organizations for the playing out of community life .
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