Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] today " in BNC.

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1 Yet the Sinfonietta players bring amble light and shade to the twining polyphonic lines , and the rather closely recorded sound , if a little dry by today 's standards , ensures maximum clarity of textural perception .
2 And his old-fashioned ways , so refreshing after today 's men .
3 They move the collection into the dark moody feel which is so prevalent in today 's fashionable interiors .
4 And everything was so different from today .
5 The research will seek to show how the Council , originally set up in mid-nineteenth century when medical practice was greatly different from today , has responded to the changed circumstances .
6 The problem is that fight-or-flight behaviours are less and less appropriate in today 's civilized society and this is how the damage is done .
7 If we are already working from an out-of-date database ( because we have moved up the hierarchy ) it is very likely our vision of tomorrow 's world is much closer to today 's , while others in the organization , whose database is perhaps more up-to-date , may well be able to see beyond us .
8 Not for him , then , the vogue of so many of today 's tournament players who have moved into the fashionable Sunningdale area so they can be close to Heathrow .
9 Considering all this , then , it is not surprising that so many of today 's adolescents seem to experience great difficulty in maturing :
10 One of the great advantages of MEDAU which also sets this method of teaching movement apart from so many of today 's exercise programmes is its adaptability to meet almost every specialised need in the community .
11 ‘ Come on Eddie , it 's hardly fair to expect a fifteen-year-old to give up her Saturday , especially one like today , to sit around with a bunch of old fogeys .
12 I am not sure that we would think the dancing , except by some of the principals , quite so wonderful by today 's standards , but we saw it with different eyes then , and John would have for comparison his memories of the Cape Town Ballet Club 's brave but handicapped attempt at the last act of the ballet , Aurora 's Wedding .
13 His book , The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction , ( published 1936 in German : Das Kunstwerk in Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit ) was one of the first works to use deconstruction as a method of analysis and has been highly influential on today 's generation of artists who incorporate texts into their art ( for example , Joseph Kosuth ) .
14 Subservience was expected by all levels of employer , titled or otherwise , and Marie Thwaites was one of a number of young men and women who were packed off to a life which was not only unacceptable by today 's standards , but hardly believable .
15 Robson , only 50-50 for today 's big clash with Sheffield Wednesday , believes there is now a blend of craft and experience at Old Trafford that no other challengers can match .
16 Blocks of strong colour in striking combinations create the newest and most daring of today 's looks .
17 However , operating under cover of a domestic licence does seem rather restrictive in today 's international business environment .
18 Is it not clear from today 's awful rise in unemployment to more than 2.5 million that the recession is continuing ?
19 ‘ … the solutions of the ‘ Sixties are no longer adequate for today 's world .
20 One thousand years ago the Mayans were cranking out codices not dissimilar to today 's illustrations .
21 The title ‘ organiser ’ was traditionally used in social work and voluntary service early in the century and had a particular connotation that is not helpful in today 's environment .
22 The Victorians had very different ideas on keeping animals in captivity to those we hold now , and many of the buildings are totally unsuitable by today 's standards .
23 Should the collar of the soil pipe ( if it has one ) break , this is not usually detrimental with today 's couplings , as long as the inside of the pipe is not cracked .
24 The Union says such offers are becoming more common in today 's economic climate .
25 Although totally obsolete in today 's laboratories , a description of this simple device is useful in making clear what is being recorded , and illustrating some of the problems which still confront modern sleep researchers .
26 In general it would seem that the now-extinct Alderney was fairly similar to today 's Guernsey but smaller ( in 1800 bulls stood at 119cm , cows 112cm and oxen 140cm ) and with short , ‘ crumpled ’ ( curled ) horns , fine bones , a long , thin neck and protruding , raised hips .
27 The weather outlook is just as gloomy for today .
28 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
29 It is just as relevant to today 's youngsters and the emotions are just the same .
30 Kalchu had brewed some millet beer months ago to ferment out ready for today and it was sweet and clear and very strong .
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