Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] opportunities for " in BNC.

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1 The existing trade embargo , imposed following the September 1991 military coup [ see pp. 38430 ; 38522-23 ] , had failed to produce concessions , and had apparently provided opportunities for the rich pro-coup elite and sections of the army to profit from widespread smuggling , but there was evidence that it had had a devastating impact on Haiti 's economy .
2 DBRW chairman Glyn Davies says the programme would not only increase opportunities for young people , but also the effectiveness of employers by making it easier for them to recruit suitable employees .
3 They suggest that relatively junior and often youthful staff do not shirk opportunities for taking responsibility when the opportunity is there and they , in fact , associate responsibility and autonomy with a high degree of job satisfaction .
4 Second , they do not seize opportunities for credit and new inputs , while large farmers are frequently able to look after themselves even without the aid of extension agents .
5 We need to develop techniques to allow tourists to see animals and plants , without destroying them ; to devise systems of farming that deliberately create opportunities for wildlife , and to design our cities with wildlife in mind .
6 It also offers opportunities for wide ranges of contacts with the industry and the opportunity to represent the views of the industry to other bodies .
7 It can make provision to dovetail with schools or colleges for 16 to 19 year olds , but it also offers opportunities for students with special educational needs to continue their education when most schools and colleges no longer have courses for them .
8 ( The latter association , along with the other two major local authority associations — the Association of Metropolitan Associations and the Association of County Councils — and professional bodies such as SOLACE ( Society of Local Authority Chief Executives ) also provide opportunities for liaison at national level . )
9 Good ‘ Rights of Way ’ do exist and the Public Parks of Hillend and Bonaly also provide opportunities for informal outdoor recreation .
10 Its permanent collection of fine Victorian paintings often sits cheek by jowl with a varied selection of current art and craft practices some of which also provide opportunities for visitors to participate in .
11 While it might be used by management to deploy resources more effectively , it could also give opportunities for diversions from tedious duty — for example , by allowing outside officers to join in dramas outside their own subdivisions .
12 While this may be seen primarily as a defensive kind of action , involving much routine work by civil servants who are required to produce the information needed for parliamentary answers , it may also provide opportunities for publicizing new policy initiatives .
13 Overseas , Wimpey Construction Management is carrying out fee-based technical and management services for the £200 million Colombo Centre project for Sonae Group in Lisbon , Portugal and will vigorously attempt to develop further this market in 1993 , a market which will also provide opportunities for the consultancy arm of GROVE PROJECTS .
14 We need also to identify opportunities for enrichment in older age , promote them , and defend them if they are misguidedly attacked .
15 In the last edition of Link I reported that the economic outlook was against us , but this would also create opportunities for us to acquire and merge other businesses with our own .
16 A well-constructed drama session will also create opportunities for children to develop their own questioning skills .
17 But these rites have also brought opportunities for composers to provide new settings .
18 The changes in the balance of power enacted by the 1988 Education Act have greatly increased parents ' influence on schools , but have also increased opportunities for the teaching profession to explain and persuade .
19 Work that not only calls for construction skills but also presents opportunities for BICC to supply power , telecommunications and control cable systems — another major part of our worldwide business operation .
20 It also restricts opportunities for pupils ' own interesting mathematical questions like :
21 Social workers and chaplains , with a hospital office , also offer opportunities for a few patients to weep and express distress in privacy , in a sympathetic atmosphere .
22 The possession of Aquitaine and , after 1279 , Ponthieu also gave opportunities for individual advancement in the king-duke 's service .
23 The strand also provides opportunities for the study of film as a significant element of 20th-century culture .
24 It also provides opportunities for pupils to develop vital skills and learning strategies that can be applied across the school curriculum .
25 Customer care also provides opportunities for business development .
26 Workers at all levels add value not solely or even mostly by tending machines and carrying out routines , but by continuously discovering opportunities for improvement in product and process .
27 The family with a different ethnic background next door can be viewed positively — potentially offering opportunities for new ideas and new experiences — or negatively in terms of ‘ problems ’ of difference .
28 Conservation programmes seldom bring opportunities for personal advancement for senior bureaucrats , unlike other activities such as the issue of import-export licences , the handling of foreign business , and the control of access to state-controlled markets .
29 We continually seek opportunities for rationalisation and the release of land surplus to our requirements .
30 It may therefore provide opportunities for some implementing agencies to develop new initiatives that were perhaps not originally envisaged .
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