Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] access to " in BNC.

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1 If a manager is in the A&R office at CBS , he or she rarely has access to anybody else in the company .
2 The middle-class parent who is dissatisfied with the quality of school rarely has access to a parochial or private school option .
3 On the reverse side of the body some wood has been removed in a sort of crescent moon shape , extending from the upper to lower horn , presumably to increase access to the upper reaches of the Standard 's fingerboard .
4 Scattered around the London suburbs , or in provincial towns like Sheffield , Brighton and Bradford , these pioneers had only limited access to capital resources , and their companies never grew to any real size .
5 Pryce ( 1979 ) points out that , as a male , he ‘ had only limited access to the women for research purposes ’ .
6 The loss of the two ports was serious , as the English now had only limited access to Normandy and to the capital , Rouen , which had come to replace Paris .
7 Since the analyst has only limited access to what a speaker intended , or how sincerely he was behaving , in the production of a discourse fragment , any claims regarding the implicatures identified will have the status of interpretations .
8 And it needs not only to provide access to files or data , but actually to connect applications running anywhere on the network — and through the application , to connect the minds that are putting the applications to work .
9 Yet literature can only give access to the values entertained by the members of literate communities and in these only for persons able to apprehend what they read .
10 For example in Germany , works councils have long had access to resources to investigate design of work systems under the Quality of Working Life .
11 The FMLN has argued that , no matter what type of medicine one practises , if health knowledge , skills and resources are sold on the market as commodities this will necessarily limit access to health care , fragment and distort the nature of the health process , constrain the relation between health workers and users , and undermine people 's control over their health .
12 Sometimes , they built shrines round sacred trees , apparently providing access to them by means of double doors and safeguarding them by means of wooden fences or stone walls .
13 These procedures address the current problem of designers only having access to either none or all of the data for a CAD part , by introducing strict partitioning within each CAD part file .
14 Therefore , and I think we 'll all take access to something that we would .
15 From the list given in the book , he chooses only herbs which grow in wet places that the fish would naturally have access to .
16 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
17 In most casings this makes it pretty awkward to get at , but the Sigma 's casing is spacious enough to allow access to these vital sockets .
18 This analysis of the dominant building styles of our society suggests that a set of representations derived from the interests and perspectives of a particular group in society not only denies access to this aspect of culture to alternative perspectives , but at the same time causes these representations to appear to be the image of those who have been excluded .
19 It was a cheap alternative to buying from local merchants , but I was only allowed access to the provisions at points of safety such as towns and wells .
20 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
21 If , however , we have opportunities to fish midweek when most other anglers are at work , or fortunate enough to have access to a good piece of barbel river which is less frequently fished , then the best way of catching a big barbel is to stalk one .
22 Iraqi possession of the islands would afford it greatly increased access to the Gulf .
23 It is easy to forget that the Lutyens team of craftsmen only had access to traditional methods and materials .
24 After R. v. Samuel the police underwent a painful education , as a series of people charged with serious crimes on the basis of admissions went free because they had been wrongly denied access to a solicitor .
25 He was able to checkmate the French evolutionists ' efforts to use the duck-billed platypus as a link between reptiles and mammals because he alone had access to a good supply of specimens .
26 These tools should enable all children , not only to gain access to the curriculum but also to allow and encourage them to respond to it in a way which clearly expresses their understanding .
27 In one area he was fortunate enough to gain access to doctors ' lists , which contain the names of most of the population since nearly everyone of every age is registered with a general practitioner .
28 If you only have access to the machine once a month in a special video room , you will want to make it the centre of attention for that session .
29 The scene can be " replayed " in ways suggested by the spectators , as if the spectators not only have access to the rewind button of a video recorder , but can also change what is enacted before them .
30 We usually only have access to such details from oral testimony and written accounts which is why the apparent disappearance of Edis 's long-preserved diary of the trip is such a loss — though of course as a visitor being escorted round military sites by officials , there might be a limit to the unofficial stories she could have glimpsed .
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