Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] sense [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
2 What we also see is a description of this underlying God which can only make sense in personal terms .
3 Such policies only make sense to the corporate investors and stem from the perceived need to avoid integrating the industry in any but the core capitalist countries .
4 Among the pairs children learned , at least in my day , were items like black/white ( which only make sense as antonyms if you have studied physics ) , north/south ( ditto ) , day/night ( though in the context of fashion , the appropriate opposition is day/evening ) and long/short ( like old/ young , a continuum or pseudo-opposite ) .
5 His steady stream of speeches , interviews and policy interventions only make sense as a bid for the leadership .
6 As they are practised in the modern world , high-level teaching and research only make sense in institutions .
7 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
8 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
9 Community is part of the job but it needs good management ( paying teachers , costing the use of premises , the division of time other than that which is needed to provide the national curriculum ) as well as a personally felt sense of value .
10 Compare understanding a musical theme , a phrase , with suddenly making sense of a gesture , intonation , or facial expression ( for example , a leer ) .
11 She 'd always had a passionate side to her nature , she thought , suddenly making sense of her reactions to life .
12 Conditions on the boat were cosy , not to say cramped , reflecting Branson 's absorption in work and his somewhat bemusing sense of priorities .
13 This low level pixel oriented approach obviously makes sense for complex images with no formal structure , such as budgerigars .
14 In answer to his last question , I do not believe that it necessarily makes sense for those who may not be fully qualified or experienced to get rid of such waste when those who are involved in a similar business are much better qualified to do so .
15 Assuming you are going to want to use the material as a normal part of a normal lesson , when you look at a drama you will be looking for short segments which can stand on their own sufficiently to make sense as an independent sequence .
16 Irrespective of the use of surrogates , monitoring environmental processes only makes sense over time-scales which are extended by human standards ( hence the IGBP ( see below ) is designed to run for two or three decades ) ;
17 The decision to build the lift could not have been taken lightly ; it only makes sense as part of a scheme of general improvement .
18 It is true , as sociologists have recently pointed out , that psychoanalysis , or a variant of it , can become a managerial ideology , and may be used by staff in hospitals in order to control and out-manoeuvre patients , but this only makes sense as a piece of sociology if there is a possibility that in principle , if not in practice , there could be an uncorrupt ideology or ‘ science ’ .
19 Do we see appraisal as a process which in itself will lead to ‘ improvement ’ ( the control model ) , or as something which really only makes sense in the context of a fully developed staff development process ?
20 Our chastity , indeed our whole life , only makes sense in relation to our love to God …
21 Moore 's approach only makes sense in the context of his belief that any proper thing can be conceived independently of any larger context in which it may figure .
22 Bodyline only makes sense in the context of Anglo-Australian relations and the Depression of the 1930s , ’ he says .
23 While there is some justification for arguing that industries never mature ( or only over an extremely long time-span ) , there is also every justification for arguing that products often do have life-cycles short enough to make sense of this type of analysis .
24 In his Politics he knew just enough to make sense of their institutions within the context of his classification .
25 The management can be a rejecting object and may well be confusing and inconsistent , so much so that workers can not make sense of them and their demands .
26 The child can not make sense of the world without pattern , without events that repeat .
27 This is important , because it is sometimes given as an objection to attitude theories that they can not make sense of subordinate ethical clauses .
28 The sceptical argument therefore claims that you can not make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself .
29 I can not make sense of that rhyme .
30 In this way he was led to discover that the old laws could not make sense of these situations .
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