Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the very " in BNC.

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1 It is argued that to speak out on this subject is only to suggest the very evil you want to cure , and to do more harm than good …
2 It is an unhappy outcome of its aphrodisiac and prophylactic reputation that rhinoceros horn still commands a price high enough to threaten the very survival of the rhinoceros .
3 This is time-consuming , often kills the specimen and , in any case , raises the question of whether the staining itself might not affect the very phenomenon being studied .
4 As we saw in Chapter 2 on social security , however , these do not keep the very low-paid workers above the officially defined poverty line .
5 So it was that I set out laboriously to catalogue the very schema of my own sanity , to list exhaustively the full range of my personal habits .
6 We have already flagged the very language used to address a set of urban issues as a central problem .
7 To be sure they were not removing the very effect they were looking for , the researchers divided the children into groups on the basis of their lead levels .
8 Then he just brushed the very tips of his fingers against hers and plunged the offending hand deep in his pocket as if his fist were on fire and the pocket was a bucket full of sand .
9 But with the loosening of controls during the 1980s and the increasing contempt shown by local councillors towards planning , can we be confident this tidal flow of disenchanted refugees from the cities will not destroy the very qualities people find so attractive ?
10 One that does not destroy the very environment upon which we all depend .
11 I hope some of the young players who do not reach the very top still see the amateur game as a satisfying golf career in itself , in conjunction with a ‘ real job ’ .
12 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
13 Williams had a good ear , and since his death some of his admirers have made more sense of his procedures than he could ever make for himself , but the lamentable effect of his example has been to lead poets to trust their ear implicitly , thus discrediting the very notion of measure .
14 That would just establish the very connection I 'm hoping — despite your assistance — to avoid .
15 Mr Gummer had — or at least appeared to have — already published the very list Dr Clark had come to demand .
16 ( e ) As we have seen , an intention to repay or substitute may be dishonest because the defendant can not replace the very thing taken , yet if he intends to return the property itself , he is not guilty of theft because he does not have the intention permanently to deprive .
17 Even the Trade and Industry Select Committee , which produced a lengthy report on the investigation system during 1990 , almost totally ignored the very existence of the s 447 enquiries , preferring to concentrate on the public inspections .
18 The Communist Manifesto sets out unequivocally to destroy the very institutions which God created as the basis for the social order .
19 Quickly loading the Very pistol with the red cartridge , Larsen aimed it at the open skylight and pulled the trigger .
20 Alzheimer 's Disease ( AD ) is particularly pernicious in apparently gradually destroying the very essence of personality .
21 Like the physicalist attacks on the privacy of subjective experience , these attacks on intellect are self-defeating , in that they end up denying the very realities they are trying to explain .
22 The government have therefore controlled the money supply , creating in effect a mini-depression to avoid this likelihood , but unfortunately they have also stifled the very lifeblood of a healthy industry , a buoyant home market .
23 She had also caught the very faint remnant of warmth , gaiety , that he thought no-one but himself had recognized from the old days .
24 The dialogue , full of all the right buzz words and curses , might relate to hip kids , but will probably confound the very people it 's trying to enlighten .
25 What this operation can do is to cause havoc with a women 's sexuality , often provoking the very opposite to what was intended .
26 Indeed , Derrida 's quarrel with classical structuralism does not concern its Saussurean inspiration , but rather the way in which it has unwittingly betrayed the very principle on which the Saussurean revolution was founded .
27 Their work radically challenged the very definition of what a finished picture could be .
28 In fact , English turns out to overwhelm the very concept of education itself in that the overall goal is to provide " the best use of English as a means of intercourse and of education " .
29 Indeed , words can be used which will often hide the very feelings which are at the root of the individual 's problems , and which represent the reality of their emotional lives .
30 So why now did the very fact that he was awake and talking to her seem like an invasion of her privacy ?
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