Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a lower " in BNC.

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1 The present studies show that the migrating motor complex not only has a lower oesophageal sphincter component , but also an oesophageal body component .
2 The aim behind the sections is to prevent the settlor alienating income to the trustees , and therefore perhaps paying a lower rate of income tax than he would otherwise pay , when at the end of the day he might be able to get the accumulated income back .
3 Hence they are more liquid than money market deposits and so carry a lower interest rate .
4 If you are fortunate enough to have a lower level into which you can siphon away the water , that is the easiest .
5 He was the most recent recruit into H3 , and only had a Lower Second from Aston .
6 Small cetaceans would probably not fare better than birds after exposure to excessive quantities of organochlorines. indeed dolphins and porpoises may be particularly vulnerable because they apparently have a lower capacity for PCB degradation than birds .
7 Although using hydrogel lenses to administer medication increases the bioavailability of the drug and thus allows a lower dose to be given , the treatment is expensive and problems may arise if long periods of extended wear are necessary .
8 It is suggested that this accounts , at least in part , for the fact that in most developing and some developed countries infants and young children of rural mothers generally face a lower probability of defeating life hazards than do those born to urban mothers .
9 Clearly , we have made great progress in bringing inflation under control and we shall soon have a lower rate of inflation than Germany for the first time in a generation .
10 Mr Rees reminded Conference that the Association had been asked why members did not charge a lower rate of interest , and then charge interest on default .
11 I no longer have a lower body , an external heart , in Herta 's scheme of things .
12 As a result , people in the South generally have a lower life expectancy than that of their northern neighbours , one fifth suffer from malnutrition and half have no opportunity to become literate .
13 Thus industrial occupations generally have a lower share of temporary workers than do service occupations .
14 Some computer systems use raster graphics which generally have a lower resolution than the more expensive vector graphics .
15 In most circumstances you are better off using a lower resolution and clearer text .
16 In Britain , however , because of ministerial responsibility and because of the suspicion that the appropriate ministry could do the job much better than a new , inexperienced board ( which usually has a lower calibre of staff ) , the ministries concerned have their own sections on tourism , forestry and the countryside which go over everything the board in question proposes , giving authorizations , suggestions or exercising a veto .
17 They do however still have a lower boundary at zero , and the whole distribution is very lop-sided ; outcomes with probabilities less than evens are squashed into the number range 0 to 1 , whereas probabilities above evens can range from 1 to infinity .
18 Many readers ask the same question , and the fact is you DO have to pay the correct price for goods , even if the shop has mistakenly put a lower price on the label .
19 ( Note that this also involves a lower rate of unemployment than the long-run equilibrium would suggest . )
20 It has very much the same facilities as Delta Five , but is single-user rather than allowing several people to work on the same data , and also has a lower limit on the number of records , transaction files , and so on ; nothing that would really present a problem , unless you were trying to use the system for a fairly large system , in which case you should be using Delta Five .
21 In large transactions vendors may also negotiate a lower limit for individual items .
22 The Japanese also enjoy a lower incidence of cancer .
23 Other studies have also found a lower prevalence of high EE ( High Expressed Emotion in families is considered to be a factor in relapse of schizophrenia ) in Third World countries .
24 Babies born several weeks prematurely grow up to have a lower IQ on average by the ages of seven to 10 than children born at full term , according to research reported yesterday .
25 We have included tritones as mild dissonances deliberately , to illustrate certain factors : We will now introduce a lower part which will disperse the dissonances in the upper parts and produce relatively smooth , relaxed harmony .
26 This means that the added contradicting note must be a major or minor 2nd ( or 7th or 9th ) distant from either existing note : To form four-part harmony we now add a lower part which again contradicts an upper part except in the fifth chord .
27 The correct character may often have a lower confidence because it was not such a good match with the Freeman database .
28 Other life offices introduced a similar area into their conventional with-profits policies as an option , though the higher death benefit which was provided inevitably meant a lower retirement benefit .
29 We will now add a lower part which will turn the consonant effect into one of uniformly relaxed mild dissonance .
30 ‘ Businesses now have a lower pound — that means a golden opportunity to invest and export into new markets .
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