Example sentences of "[pron] refused [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I refused to let the nurse wield her scissors on them and put myself through gyrations of a one-legged contortionist to get them off whole .
2 I refused to see the boy again , and spent hours anxiously examining my exterior instead .
3 ‘ You meant it then , but , if I refused to do the work , would n't you be glad to take it on ? ’
4 I refused to face the prospect of his return yet , since I seemed to have faced quite enough for one afternoon .
5 It is justly ironic that the Government , which refused to control the industry and protect the environment , has also refused to help them conduct a price-fixing operation .
6 A fourth , dominated by Sir Stafford Cripps and the Socialist League , a body founded in 1932 by a large minority group of the Independent Labour Party which refused to leave the Labour Party , favoured a ‘ united front ’ with the Communists against fascists .
7 Delegates agreed that all parties represented at the meeting , as well as the Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) , the official white opposition Conservative Party ( CP ) , the Reformed National Party ( HNP ) and the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) — all of which refused to attend the preparatory meeting — would be invited to CODESA .
8 Dog agility appeals to all ages … although seven year old Daniel Treagus was having trouble with his Cavalier King Charles spaniel which refused to climb the A frame :
9 Reports of violence on the part of the Serbian authorities in Kosovo against the civilian population drew an official protest on May 26 from Albania ( which refused to recognize the FRY ) .
10 The Commission referred to its previous opinion in the Van Oosterwijk case , ‘ that a State which refused to recognise the new status of a transsexual after medical treatment resulting in a change of sex failed to respect private life ’ .
11 This was rejected by the court , which refused to read the words , so far as reasonably practical , into the statute .
12 The combined effect of these ‘ taxes ’ was to make the stamped press an expensive commodity , thereby restricting its circulation , and to make the ‘ unstamped ’ press , i.e. those newspapers which refused to pay the duties , illegal and so subject to punitive measures .
13 who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Crown under the Parliamentary Oaths Act 1866 , on the ground that he was an atheist and the oath would be meaningless .
14 On Feb. 14 , the crews of six SU-24 fighter-bomber jets who refused to take the oath of loyalty to Ukraine defected from Ukraine to Russia , where , it was later announced , they had all been given new postings .
15 So Sinead O'Connor — probably our last remaining real rock star , a maverick , a 1000 per cent attack merchant constantly taking convention by the neck and shaking it the way a terrier shakes a rat , the woman who stormed into the Irish PM 's office over the abortion issue , who refused to sing the US national anthem , who correctly pointed out that George Bush leaves Saddam Hussein standing in the mass-murder stakes , who has exposed her own sad past in vivid , gory detail , whose every record has fully stretched and excited the expectations of her audience — has released a version of Loretta Lynn 's maudlin Country classic .
16 Those who refused to give the figures ranged from tiny building societies , who simply did not have the technology to work out the sum , to large multi-national banks with copious staff and computers to hand .
17 Not only would Ulster be right to resist , but so would army officers who refused to enforce the decision of parliament :
18 who refused to wear the stuffy school uniform but came to classes in a grubby khaki shirt and shorts , would not sit properly on his chair but cross-legged on it , yawned during lessons and often stayed away from school altogether .
19 The arrests were part of a new drive against members of the underground Catholic Church who remained loyal to the Pope and who refused to join the officially sanctioned Patriotic Catholic Association .
20 The weavers and combers of the serge districts in 1725 – 6 had their " clubs " with by-laws seeking to " regulate " apprenticeship , wages , hours and methods of working , but they forced entry into houses , spoiled wool , cut cloth and roughly treated both masters and those journeymen who refused to join the combination .
21 Chief Environmental Health Officer Hugh O'Neill , who refused to reveal the location of the shop , defended the decision to issue a simple warning .
22 Kay went for a head-butt on Colin Walsh , who refused to discuss the incident after the match .
23 Some people said their incomes were so low they could not obtain mortgages and 18 were squatted in by former occupants who refused to pay the money .
24 Some people said that their incomes were so low that they could not obtain mortgages and 18 were squatted in by former occupants who refused to pay the money .
25 But the cynics , who refused to believe the evidence of their eyes .
26 In one of heavyweight boxing 's most distinguished nights , Bowe had to tear the crown from a champion who refused to accept the inevitability of defeat even when he was knocked down and seemingly out in the 11th round of a brilliant fight .
27 Yet this was the sort of argument used by various archaeologists , notably Glyn Daniel , who refused to accept the findings of Thom , Hawkins and a growing number of others .
28 I asked Emma Johnson about the celebrated clarinet virtuoso , Richard Mühlfeld , for whom Brahms wrote his clarinet quintet but who refused to accept the dedication of the Stanford concerto , and consequently never played the work .
29 In 1922 the Conservative/Liberal Coalition led by Lloyd George which had ruled Britain since 1918 was overthrown by a revolt of Conservative back-benchers who refused to accept the advice of their leaders that the Coalition should continue .
30 Are many of our women politicians the little girls who refused to recognise the unwelcome fact that they lacked a penis and , defiantly rebellious , exaggerated their masculinity … ?
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