Example sentences of "[pron] to join [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you gentlemen , I will now close the m meeting by asking you to join me in the the erm
2 Because I would like you to join me in wishing every happiness to Annabelle and Steven .
3 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
4 Apparently he 'd fixed up with the travel agency which handled Dalgety 's bookings for you to join him at all the Grands Prix . ’
5 ‘ And it was as a result of these conversations that he invited you to join him on the dahabeeyah ? ’
6 We invite you to join us on our latest luxury weekend combining the regency splendour of CHELTENHAM with its myriad antique shops , a relaxing tour of the GOLDEN TRIANGLE and historic GLOUCESTER .
7 We would like you to join us for dinner , meet our friends , enjoy a glass of wine or two over something as simple as a plate of pasta , or as extravagant as a six course meal .
8 The moment you feel the need for confession and the Mass , tell me and I 'll arrange for you to join us in the chapel . ’
9 In 1891 she was briefly engaged to Charles Morrison , a Scottish missionary teacher at Duke Town eighteen years her junior , but when the Mission Board refused to allow him to join her in Okoyong , the relationship was broken off .
10 My respects to the captain and ask him to join me for breakfast at , say , eight-thirty .
11 I invite him to join me in welcoming this magnificent project , which will do so much for Wales .
12 Presumably on the basis that it could not involve James , she had asked him to join them for supper .
13 In Gregory 's account , Chlodomer , before setting off to Vézeronce , asked his half-brother , Theuderic , to accompany him , and the latter agreed ; but when Childebert and Chlothar asked him to join them at the time of their later campaign against the Burgundian kingdom , he refused .
14 In October Mozart 's English friends tried to persuade him to join them in England the following spring .
15 Tell him to join us in the admiral 's cabin at once . ’
16 During the summer of 1977 she watched him play polo at Smith 's Lawn , Windsor and when , in February 1978 , he invited her to join him on a skiing party in Klosters , Switzerland there was much speculation that she might be the future queen of England .
17 She had scarcely recovered her composure from that frantic evening before he invited her to join him on the royal yacht Britannia during Cowes Week .
18 ‘ And Spain was a cosy hideaway for our export villains ; ergo , her boyfriend was waiting for her to join him on the Costa del Crook . ’
19 ‘ Hugo Brassard 's asked her to join him in a new agency .
20 And she just knew that , if she had not brought up the subject of Tony , he would have invited her to join him in his walk along the shore .
21 Cleo noticed he had left the circle incomplete ; she knew he expected her to join him within its protection before he sealed it .
22 She does not wish to conceal this news as she strongly believes that the mind can play a great part in overcoming such a complaint and she asks everyone to join her in positive thinking to help her to fight the illness .
23 ‘ As they approached I hoped they would ask me to join them for dinner as in the old days , ’ he recalls .
24 Kenneth adores him and commandeered him the moment he arrived , allowing me to join them on a walk after yet another edible meal ( any more of this clever cooking and you 'll ruin your reputation ) .
25 I had only been at home for about ten days when a friend of mine asked me to join him on a journey to the East Indies .
26 After a short chat he invited me to join him at a ‘ small Chinese gathering ’ in the hall usually used for Tong meetings on River Street West .
27 Redundancy and a wrecked career as a forgotten man seemed inevitable until right out of the blue Graham Taylor threw me a lifeline and persuaded me to join him at Aston Villa .
28 He gestures for me to join him by patting the cushion to his left .
29 ‘ Well , now that I am here and can have the tale formally , direct from the prior , it 's for me to join him in sending word to the bishop .
30 Audience were the brainchild of Howard Werth , a band whose art rock attracted such luminaries as David Bowie , Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd enough to invite them to join them on tour .
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