Example sentences of "[pron] lips [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll never have to share me , ’ Maggie whispered as his lips hovered over her own .
2 His eyes searched hers with fierce intensity , and his lips hovered over her own .
3 His lips hovered over her forehead .
4 But even as she made to turn away , his arms slid around her and she closed her eyes to everything but the sheer beauty of his kiss , the exquisite torture of his lips moving over her own , the hard strength of his body pressed against hers .
5 He lifted her face , his lips moving over her skin hungrily , and the sensuous pleasure was there at once with no need at all for him to arouse her .
6 His dark head bent , his lips trailing over her face gently , and Maggie swayed forward , immediately entranced , immediately hungry for more , turning her head to meet the lips that captured hers .
7 His lips trailing over her face were the greatest comfort she could think of .
8 She felt his lips close over her anus , and suck avidly at that secret place .
9 His lips slid over her breasts , teasing the rosy peaks to pert arousal , and then moved on to explore the smooth , warm contours of her body , dipping and gliding , fuelling the flames within her until she moved against him restlessly , searching , pleading , making demands of her own .
10 And when he bent his head , first to one breast and then the other , his lips closing over her swollen nipples , she felt as though she was almost going to die of excitement .
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