Example sentences of "[pron] implications for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here I review these data and their implications for a temperate climate .
2 Changes relevant to the LFAs proposed in the EEC Review of agricultural structures are assessed in order to predict their implications for the UK situation .
3 But this is not of course to deny that relevance or significance can be inferred , that insights can be drawn from the discipline and their implications for the subject explored .
4 Aspects of this more sociological and humanistic interpretation of teaching quality will be developed within the chapter through a discussion of teacher cultures , careers and strategies , and their implications for the maintenance and persistence of those ‘ transmission ’ styles of classroom teaching which appear to be incurring official disapproval .
5 Sometimes the findings were examined for their implications for the effectiveness of prisons in preventing recidivism ( European Committee on Crime Problems , 1967 ) , but this was a side issue : the sociology of the prison was not about devising effective treatment programmes .
6 But the truce does not seem to have aroused general opposition in England ; perhaps more serious in their implications for the regime were the disorders at Pontefract in the summer of 1323 , when a mob killed two officials guarding Lancaster 's tomb to prevent offerings being made there .
7 The foregoing chapters will , it is hoped , form a sufficient background and we may now begin to look at their implications for the social worker and for the social work profession .
8 A more recent collection , which reflects some of the same debates and also considers their implications for the economic geography of the UK is The Geography of De-Industrialisation edited by Ron Martin and Bob Rowthorn ( London and Basingstoke , Macmillan ; 1986 ) .
9 The immediate political context was framed by the central issue of the strike itself : the National Union of Mineworkers ' ( NUM 's ) opposition to pit closures and their implications for the loss of jobs and the demise of mining communities .
10 This chapter considers these developments , arguing that they have an obvious potential to amplify , rather than reduce , the tendency to public disorder , and assessing their implications for the erosion of civil liberties .
11 In a period when a rigid separation of spheres prevailed between men and women , the physician 's approach to female illness exemplified the strong influence of theories of sexual difference and the nature of their implications for the position of women in society .
12 Examine the conditions for local stability and discuss their implications for the comparative static results .
13 The purpose of this project is to survey post-16 provision by the statutory youth service , trends of change in that provision and their implications for the future pattern of provision throughout the age range for which the service is responsible ; to survey the way in which
14 As types of enterprise , neither these nor their implications for the labour employed in them are well understood .
15 Despite their differences , their implications for the sociology of urban and regional development are rather similar .
16 The zeitgeist expressed itself in a lively concern for the Christian faith and its implications for a modus vivendi .
17 Animals need to attend to and learn about a stimulus only when its implications for the future are uncertain .
18 The proposal , then , was momentous in its implications for the juvenile labour-market and for industrial training .
19 Finally , one issue merits more detailed comment because of its implications for the entire Docklands community — housing .
20 Although Goldmann accepts the significance of the social determination of knowledge thesis for epistemology he does not pursue its implications for the Marxist concept of ideology .
21 Lyons , in fact , concedes this point , although I feel that he does not follow through fully its implications for the rest of his argument .
22 Particular interest attaches itself to the distribution of the elderly population , because of its implications for the provision of retirement accommodation and social services .
23 For the citizens of Attica ( at least in classical tunes : it is remarkable , and sad in its implications for the vitality of deme life , that deme decrees are rare after the fourth century ) deme routine was more immediate , though no doubt objectively less important , than what happened on the Pnyx .
24 We have had debates on the entrenchment of rights ; on federalism or regional devolution as against the unitary state ; on the case for consensus rather than majority as a basis for government , on the relative weight of national versus local mandates and the independence of local government , on the duty of civil servants ; on electoral reform with all its implications for the operations of government ; on who should define the national interest ; on open government and official secrecy ; on complementing representative democracy by referenda and other forms of participation — and much else .
25 Here the masculine ethos of the game and its implications for the reputation of working-class communities becomes relevant .
26 My paper was rather mathematical , however , so its implications for the role of God in the creation of the universe were not generally recognized at the time ( just as well for me ) .
27 How extensive such activity was on the eve of any military operations remains uncertain , while its implications for the early stages of urban growth at Kenchester must await further research .
28 Has a proper analysis been made of its implications for the fishing industry in the Irish sea ?
29 This research will analyse this process of reconstruction and consider its implications for the continued use of scientific evidence within the criminal justice system .
30 The upsurge in violence was partly attributed to the unbanning of the ANC , and its implications for the ANC 's rival , the predominantly Zulu movement Inkatha .
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