Example sentences of "[pron] breath at the " in BNC.

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1 They sat in their saddles , and for a few minutes there was a great peace , as if the world held its breath at the beauty of this Irish evening .
2 She drew in her breath at the simplicity of it , wondering why she had n't thought of it before , and it excited her so much she put forward the suggestion without stopping to think if it was wise .
3 She held her breath at the look of tenderness spreading slowly over Lucenzo 's face .
4 Looking back on that moment now , she felt it tremble before her , round and perfect as an overfull drip , and she caught her breath at the thought of its transitoriness , its shimmering beauty , and suddenly whispered to herself , ‘ I am happy , ’ as if she feared it might not last forever .
5 Sarella sucked in her breath at the injustice of the remark , especially when she noticed the whisky glass in his own hand .
6 Then she caught her breath at the evidence of his arousal , but he stayed so still that , fascinated , she touched him , and felt the jerk of his response as she stroked and encircled his warm , hard flesh in an investigation that was both shy and bold .
7 Nothing of her true nature , not even — and here Pavel had been holding his breath at the back of the Border Control 's interrogation room — where she 'd been living for the past two years .
8 He glides downwards , vertiginously , holding his breath at the emptiness beneath him .
9 If he 's never caught his breath at the sight of your crooked smile , or felt his heart lurch with love at the sound of your voice , or watched you walk across a room and wanted you and finally found out that you return his feelings , then he 's a poor man and I 'm the richest man in the world .
10 Dr Neil , coming into the parlour where McAllister was permitted to knit and sew , caught his breath at the sight of her with the doll .
11 Grumbling under his breath at the lateness of the hour , and the fact that he was missing an important baseball game on TV , the super — who appeared to be of Polish extraction — nevertheless insisted on taking them up in an antiquated , dangerously shaky lift .
12 Did n't you fantasize about what might have occurred if only you 'd been holding your breath at the time and a gun as well ?
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