Example sentences of "[pron] ask [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I am working with someone I know and trust I ask them for a quick trim .
2 I ask him about his days as a commodities broker on Wall Street — Koons spent his days as a struggling artist working on Wall Street rather than starving in a garret — and he directed his answer to Ilona , because the anecdote shows the charming , apple-pie side of his nature .
3 When I ask him for telephone numbers of the people who know him best , he gives me the numbers of Deneuve , Shrimpton and Helvin before Jack Nicholson , Brian Clarke and Julian Schnabel .
4 I ask him for light .
5 For I ask it in the name of Jesus , who himself was not afraid to express anger , but who has taught and shown the world the supreme nature of love .
6 Do you mind if I ask you about , about your own wedding o on the top of Arthur 's Seat on Christmas Eve four
7 Ah yes , I ask you about those , erm cos we did say at one time that we thought some of you were going to the half yearly Council meeting and pick them up there .
8 Special thanks too Gordon for sharing the whole weekend with us , and I ask you on his behalf to pray for the people of Northern Ireland .
9 Last , but definitely not least , I ask you to carefully read the ‘ situation vacant ’ list for the committee .
10 All these cases are ones in which the addressee of the words ‘ I ask you to be content ’ has already benefited under another disposition , and is now suffering the indignity of having that testamentary largesse curtailed .
11 Till I ask you to ? ’
12 ‘ Jane , ’ he said , ‘ I ask you to be my wife .
13 So i i if you can er give me the background if I ask you to sort of give me a bit of background for the case , I 'll write it up here , and I 'll write down the solutions and see what , see what you 've done .
14 ‘ You 're not going to fire Eleanor , and especially not if I ask you to . ’
15 Clinton characterized his victory as a vote for a " new beginning " , and proclaimed : " I ask you to be Americans again , to be interested in not just getting but in giving , not just in placing blame but in assuming responsibility . "
16 So I ask you to be open minded they may seem a little bit off the wall to start with , but everything that we do is done for a purpose to achieve er what we 're wanting to achieve and what I do want to achieve is by the end of tomorrow is to have given you a system .
17 ‘ But I ask you to be Americans again , to be interested not just in getting but in giving … not just in looking out for yourselves , but in looking out for others . ’
18 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
19 If I ask you for something will you sing it ? ’
20 ‘ It shall go very hard , my lord , before I ask you for anything . ’
21 Yeah , yo you get out a bank loan to do it , and then you ask for it , then you ask them for money for Christmas , to pay it back off !
22 You get them round that way , and eventually you ask them about themselves , and you get round to it .
23 the fact that she 's , she 's intelligent as well erm she , you know , she 's gon na s she knew that I did n't know what I was talking about so she said right you look , yo you look er you , you ask them about this , this , this and this and they might say this to you , so I knew what , if they asked me , I knew what I was talking about rather than
24 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
25 Now — because you know Philippe is alive — you ask me to be your wife . ’
26 Yeah I mean we did insert actually in the Chairman 's statement a cautionary note about the credit announcement because two years ago we had a similar increase which in fact by the time we got to the end of the year had disappeared so we view it with a lot of caution is the answer if you ask me to be more precise I ca n't because we 've never really had a set of tax increases the like of which we face now any other questions ?
27 I like you very much , Shelley , but I will come only as far as you ask me to . ’
28 From the memo it looks as though you ask me for the form as P.A. to Head of Group .
29 No I think what it is I understand it now but if you ask me in a couple of weeks
30 okay So what if you ask you in an interview , ‘ How do you feel about this personally ? ’
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