Example sentences of "[pron] follows that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For each match , a new active word edge is created carrying the phonemic symbol just matched , and a pointer to the node in the tree which follows that phoneme branch , indicating the set of phonemes which are expected to follow such a beginning .
2 From this he argued that , since only the present ‘ is ’ , it follows that past and future are alike meaningless , the only time is a continual present time and what exists is both uncreated and imperishable .
3 Since the public interest is the foundation of the legitimacy of companies , it follows that society is entitled to ensure that corporate power is exercised in a way that is consistent with that interest .
4 It follows that society is entitled to insist , for example , that companies are equipped with governance structures adequate to enforce a commitment to profits on the part of management and to promote the efficient operation of the business .
5 Therefore it follows that odour emissions can be a ground for refusing planning permission or imposing conditions to prevent or reduce any possible odour pollution .
6 If , as the psychodynamic school believes , obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem , it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body , and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated , similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with ‘ symptoms ’ , leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew .
7 It follows that assessment procedures — the unit credit which attaches to every unit — should reflect all four aspects of achievement and involve an element of pupil self-assessment .
8 It follows that management 's shares can not be worth more than par value at the date they subscribe .
9 It follows that selection should also take account of other factors , such as an interest in the NHS , ability in senior decision-making groups and a tolerance of the ambiguities of public service management .
10 Thus it follows that skill training is more generalised and generalisable and is better fitted to the overall role of human operators .
11 If the less frequently attacked male groin must be protected by a guard , then it follows that chest protectors ought to be compulsory for female contestants .
12 It follows that marking is entirely done on the basis of the police report and is therefore dominated by it .
13 It follows that evaluation evidence depends for its existence and interpretation upon a specification of desired states .
14 Given that mammography every three years is effective in reducing mortality from breast cancer , it follows that performing examinations yearly will be more effective .
15 If it is necessary to draw a clear distinction between social problems and sociological questions then it follows that sociology must maintain a critical distance from the ideas — whether dominant or otherwise — of any particular society at any particular time .
16 It follows that punishment — or indeed any social phenomenon — is an inevitably highly complex phenomenon which requires extremely subtle analysis .
17 Indeed , if there is a zero eigenvalue , it appears in the first transformation , i.e. in B. It follows that shifting ( see 2.7.4 ) can be used with great advantage to accelerate convergence .
18 It follows that reform can never be guaranteed to work ( as of course research well and truly confirms ) .
19 Hence , as porosity distribution and facies appear to be related , it follows that prediction of potential reservoirs can be made from facies maps , and even if facies interpretations are not available , reservoir prediction can still be done by identifying the zone of maximum thickness on an isopach map and extrapolating from it the distribution of facies and porosity .
20 But since Marxists believe that capitalism as a social system is doomed , it follows that capitalism can not he rationally planned for ever .
21 It follows that fear of impending death felt by the victim of a fatal injury before that injury is inflicted can not by itself give rise to a cause of action which survives for the benefit of the victim 's estate .
22 It follows that information is a resource by means of which the uncertainty about outcomes of decisions may be reduced .
23 It follows that asc = bc .
24 With a stock of government bonds outstanding of over £120 billion and an average maturity of around 10 years , it follows that stock falling due for redemption will average about £12 billion per annum .
25 Since all the terms in equation ( 5.6 ) except and are known at the end of period t - 1 , it follows that observation of the local price , , amounts to an observation of .
26 On this analysis , it follows that irrationality could mean either a reluctance to adopt the particular norms within a mode of thought ( i.e. a disinclination to fall in with the substantive rationality of the discipline in question ) or a determination , perverse or otherwise , to impose a constraint of some kind on the open discourse of the discipline ( in other words , to distort the procedural rationality of the academic community ) .
27 It follows that equilibrium in the goods market requires that : unc
28 This evidence shows that not only does the identity of a particular unit constrain what follows that unit , it in turn is modified by subsequent higher-level information .
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