Example sentences of "[pron] reached the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That someone reached the landing and appeared at the open door of the bedroom .
2 I reached the gate and looked back .
3 When I reached the gate , I found Estella waiting for me .
4 Dumping the monster hide as I reached the bottom of the shaft , I hurried away along some disused-looking passages , by then moving on bootless , bare and blistered feet .
5 Then when I reached the Mess , you letter was waiting for me , and it made me happy and sad at once , and I just HAD to write you a note , though I ca n't post it tonight .
6 I reached the square and went and sat in the Café des Chasseurs , where men with nowhere to rush sat smoking and drinking , blank-faced .
7 It felt like my wrist , but could n't have been , and as I reached the surface of consciousness , it was jerked from my hand and I was rocked fully awake by suddenly unburdened bedsprings as my Pop leapt from my bed to stand beside me .
8 I went back to the beginning and started over , but had n't come to any conclusion when I reached the sign telling me that the Florabelle served the thickest steak in five counties .
9 I was still trembling when I reached the barn and hardly said a word as Mr Bailes led me back across the road to the farm .
10 Soon I reached the Diamond once more .
11 I reached the Buck Inn just at opening time and stood by the fire steaming so much that two Swedish students got lost in the fog going to the gents .
12 After some zigging and zagging , Adrian Scanlon and I reached the golf course outside Carrick-on-Shannon , said to lie on the old Woodbrook estate .
13 When I reached the water 's edge I understood her dismay .
14 Once I reached the ski-road I thought I was ‘ home and dry ’ , until turning a bend I was confronted by a bull .
15 When I reached the turn I found half of it gone already .
16 The rain came as I reached the drive of the hotel , set amongst trees , and I ventured along it in search of shelter .
17 It was half past two by my watch when I reached the Hamilton house .
18 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
19 With a new lease of energy I reached the top only a minute or two after them .
20 I tried to look straight ahead until I reached the top , then I entered our attic room and stood there as my eyes accustomed themselves to the dim light .
21 The sun was already going down when I reached the top of the hill .
22 By the time I reached the address , I could not decide whether I should ask him to wait .
23 I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .
24 As I reached the edge of the woods and stopped playing , I turned round and waved to Colonel Young .
25 It was 5 a.m. when I hit the M1 after leaving Lee at the flat and dropping Max off at his pub , and was quite tired when I reached the cottage at around 7.30 this morning .
26 Climbing up several flights of narrow , twisting stairs , I reached the Sultan 's penthouse pavilion with its view over the rooftops of Begampur .
27 When I reached the pit bottom , there was approximately three feet of water at the pit bottom and I had my first experience of water in the mines .
28 I crept along the riverside until I reached the culvert and hid myself among the banks of sweet cicely to read my book .
29 The toilet consisted of a wc and basin , and the room was too small to get a ladder in there , so I reached the ceiling by standing on a chair .
30 By the time I reached the quay the water out in the centre of the Strait was darkening with little puffs of wind and the mountains west of the town were half obscured by cloud .
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