Example sentences of "[pron] proposals for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now the junior minister says she is pleased ‘ that the West Midlands County Council have accepted my proposals for a sensible and reasonable division of responsibilities . ’
2 This is regarded by the present government , along with its proposals for a national curriculum , as a means of enhancing the quality of education , and making schools more accountable to parents in a system of schooling that it is intended will be more consumer oriented .
3 Notwithstanding that position , the Council clearly had a number of reservations about the design , alignment and environmental impact of of a western relief road and we 've asked the County Council to pursue its proposals for a western relief road on the basis of a single carriageway all-purpose road , and to give further consideration to ways in which environmental concerns can be ameliorated .
4 Particularly in its treatment of legal services the Report was alleged to be unduly supportive of the private profession and insufficiently imaginative in its proposals for the development of the public sector .
5 The Bank of England Task Force for Securities Settlement is due to announce its proposals for the replacement system by the end of June .
6 The Howie Committee has recommended that a number of occupational areas should be developed under its proposals for the new SCOTCERT award ( see page 4 ) .
7 In their evidence to the Social Services Committee on the Griffiths Report , Evans and Maxwell concluded that its most far-reaching and radical aspects were its proposals for the central management of the service , with its promise of a new relationship between the DHSS and local health authorities and the change from passive to active management ( Evans and Maxwell 1984 ) .
8 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has set out its proposals for the development of water resources in Britain over the next 30 years .
9 We have to examine and discuss in great detail its proposals for an immensely complex engineering project .
10 The Green Party has issued its proposals for an " alternative budget " .
11 It is now not uncommon for consultancies to include in their proposals for a campaign how they intend to measure its success .
12 You will recall , and it is in the the client was asked to obtain clarification on their proposals for an improved .
13 In their proposals for the conventional industries , officials at the commission have earmarked a list of technologies .
14 In 1965 Anthony Crossland , the Labour Secretary of State for Education , issued Circular 10/65 which requested those local authorities which had not already done so to submit to him their proposals for the reorganisation of their secondary schools along comprehensive lines .
15 In fact even their proposals for the primary curriculum were largely described in terms of subjects ( e.g. maths , language , science , history , geography , religious education , craft ) .
16 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
17 Can I just say to you that that 's already been developed and worked out we 're intending in the next cycle to bring you proposals for a housing strategy , er on social housing , and within that we 're intending to run a series of short seminars for members to give members , all members , not just members of this committee but members of all area committees until everybody has that information background information on things like , social housing , partnerships , housing association grant so that everybody 's in a position to actually er , see and make a decision on what this council wants out of social housing , but all of that will take place in the next cycle Chair .
18 Vial is said to have published his proposals for a veterinary school in September 1788 , and also in October 1789 , and he had issued his plan ( perhaps as revised by Granville Penn ) in March 1790 .
19 Clinton on the other hand had fought for the king at Boroughbridge , and after the coup of 1327 associated himself with Lancaster : he was one of the two lords appointed by Lancaster to take his proposals for a settlement to the king in late November 1328 .
20 De Lattre , it seems , had himself in mind as a Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia and his proposals for a joint intelligence operation together with a strategic reserve of six or eight divisions would , if it had come to anything , have meant not only an American but a British commitment to French fortunes in Indo-China .
21 On Aug. 24 the Sejm elected as Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki of Solidarity , and on Sept. 12 it endorsed his proposals for a new coalition Council of Ministers dominated by Solidarity but including members of the ZSL ( since renamed the Polish Peasants ' Party — PSL ) , SD and PUWP .
22 In July 1990 an Aruban delegation met the Netherlands Minister of Aruban and Antillean Affairs , Ernst Hirsh Ballin , for further talks about his proposals for a new constitutional relationship between the island and the Netherlands [ see also p. 37823 ] .
23 In the meantime , Pennethorne had been working out the details of his proposals for the Foreign Office .
24 This conflict between the judges and the Lord Chancellor 's Department erupted when Lord Mackay put forward his proposals for the reform of the legal profession .
25 JR has two weeks to prepare a discussion document outlining his proposals for the company 's credit control policy and procedures .
26 He published little , but elaborations of his proposals for the exploitation of technical innovation and the regulation of trade are found in abundance in such archives as the Hartlib papers and Shaftesbury papers , and his views were seriously regarded , even though his reputation suffered as a result of a bitter controversy with ( Sir ) William Petty [ q.v . ] .
27 Outlining his proposals for the 1992/3 season , the Soc .
28 His proposals for the composition of his government were approved overwhelmingly on the following day .
29 Nano presented his proposals for the composition of his government to the People 's Assembly on May 9 , and this was approved , with amendments , in a vote of confidence on May 12 .
30 His purpose in these pamphlets was to describe in detail his proposals for the layout of buildings in which , with a minimum of formal rules and supervisory staff , large numbers of people could be kept under constant surveillance ( Hume , 1973 p 706 ) .
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