Example sentences of "[pron] called for a " in BNC.

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1 On 8 January I called for a high-level meeting of donor countries to respond to the United Nations latest humanitarian appeal .
2 I called for a re-vote and therefore I insist that we have a re-vote .
3 A considerable amount of my time since Annual Conference has been spent in following up Resolution No 25 which called for a specialist review of administration and expenditure .
4 Further controversy was prompted by a manifesto issued from the self-styled South London Ratepayers ' Association which called for a ‘ display of fearless strength ’ by local people , advising that ‘ a discriminating application of the ‘ cat-o'-nine-tails ’ ’ will soon sweep away this reign of terror' .
5 When the Americans were pressed to share knowledge of nuclear power with the Russians , they proposed the Baruch plan ( so named after its originator ) , which called for a system of open inspection among the powers that joined in the plan , and was unacceptable to the Soviet government .
6 A planner , Colin Buchanan , who during the 1950s had had somewhat of a chequered career as an inspector in the Ministry of Town and Country Planning ( Bruton , 1981 ) , argued that a new situation had arisen which called for a fresh approach .
7 This was supported by the Political Declaration of the Conference of Non-Aligned Foreign Ministers in February 1981 , which called for a dialogue between the Southeast Asian states to resolve their differences and eliminate the involvement and threats of intervention by outside powers .
8 The unresolved conflicts in the region were major preoccupations , specifically Senegal 's disputes with Mauritania and with Guinea-Bissau , and the civil war in Liberia — the latter forming the subject of a resolution which called for a cessation of hostilities and the holding of elections .
9 The detainees had been among 115 signatories of an open letter to Siyad Barre which called for a negotiated end to civil war , respect for human and civil rights , and multiparty elections .
10 The government had reportedly also accepted a three-point plan presented by the mediator at the talks , Mgr Rodolfo Quezada Toruño , the Roman Catholic Bishop of Zacapa and president of the Guatemalan Bishops ' Conference , which called for a commission to document , but not punish , perpetrators of past atrocities and for the government to guarantee the rights of captured rebels and of those who had disarmed .
11 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
12 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
13 In 1985 there was published the White Paper , " Completing the Internal Market " , which called for a programme of legislation to be implemented to create an Internal Market by the end of 1992 .
14 Lowry was speaking at a conference of " nuclear-free " local authorities , which called for a halt to the import and processing of all foreign radioactive waste , pending a public investigation into the government 's strategy on nuclear waste .
15 Canada played a lead role in negotiating the original Montreal Protocol , and was the first to sign the amended protocol in 1990 , which called for a phase-out of CFCs by 2000 .
16 The outcome was a programme for ‘ The Living Wage ’ which called for an incoming Labour Government to undertake a massive redistribution of income through family allowances , better social services and increased social security benefits , all paid for by taxing the , rich .
17 The Government of Burma continue to disregard all pressure put upon them , but I am pleased that on 30 November the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on Burma , in which we were co-sponsors , which called for an improvement in the human rights situation and for progress towards democratic government .
18 The " decision " followed Bush 's initiative , unveiled at the UN General Assembly in September ( for Bush and Shevardnadze speeches see pp. 36906-07 ) and which was at variance with the existing chemical weapons treaty draft , which called for an immediate halt to production .
19 The USA also approved a separate , vaguely worded and non-binding preamble which called for an eventual Middle East peace conference .
20 Doi 's resignation came the day after the party 's central executive committee adopted a draft policy document which called for an acknowledgement of the legitimacy of the Japanese Self Defence Forces ( SDF ) and of the country 's right to self-defence .
21 Following the deployment , the Lebanese government made it clear that its next step would be to place diplomatic pressure on the United States to persuade Israel to allow Lebanese army deployment in Jezzin , as a first step towards compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 425 , which called for an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon .
22 The disclosure was made by the right-wing Independent Democratic Union ( UDI ) , a pro-Pinochet party during the dictatorship , which called for an inquiry and accused the government of repeating " the errors of the past " .
23 It would seem to be doubtful whether a fall of this magnitude was commensurate with the effort put in by those who called for a boycott , that is , Provisional Sinn Fein , I RSP , Unity and Fathers Faul and Murray .
24 Green Party TD , Trevor Sargent , who called for a debate on the matter , said that , as a result , the injured elephant could not feed itself .
25 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman — who called for an early contest — and Mr Donald Dewar , Scottish spokesman , were among the first senior party figures publicly to throw their weight behind the Shadow Chancellor 's campaign .
26 Claiming that the allied forces had a " game plan " which was being followed , he said that he sympathized with the motives of those who called for an indefinite air campaign , but that any decision on the launching of a ground offensive would be based on military advice ; there would be no " delay for the sake of delay , hoping that it would save lives " .
27 He was found unconscious on the pavement by a dustman , who called for an ambulance .
28 ‘ To put this rent increase on the council house tenant at the same time as a rise in poll tax is n't on , ’ said Coun Moore , who called for an increase of £1.50 per week .
29 She called for a formal review of the whole case by Mrs Kemp , now she was back in her post .
30 Instead she called for a kind of fiction that would record the atoms of experience ‘ as they fall upon the mind , in the order in which they fall ’ , that would ‘ trace the pattern , however disconnected and incoherent in appearance , which each sight or incident scores upon the consciousness ’ .
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