Example sentences of "[pron] ran down the " in BNC.

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1 I ran down the pavement to get as far away from the hotel as I could , then I sat down in a doorway and continued crying .
2 If anything the sound seemed to become louder as I ran down the deck .
3 I ran down the next flight of stairs and knocked on Mavis 's door .
4 The swallows flitted round Marie as she ran down the bank .
5 Then she ran down the post to the ground below .
6 She had to blink back her tears before she opened the front door , and then she ran down the short tiled path , and , throwing back her shoulders and digging her hands into her pockets , strode down to the parade .
7 For just a few seconds she stood petrified ; then , taking a deep , shuddering breath , she ran down the entry and into Lyra Street .
8 Guiltily she ran down the bouncing shallow steps , jarring them as hard as she could to off-balance the last man on his feet .
9 In the dark , panic-stricken by what she 'd done , she ran down the wrong passage , towards the sea instead of towards the land , slipped and fell to her death on the rocks below . ’
10 Leaving this area of the house behind her , she ran down the passage as far as the open pantry door .
11 She ran down the dune , calling , ‘ Okay , I 'm coming . ’
12 She ran down the garden and out on to the tow-path .
13 She ran down the gangplank and watched as the dog heaved himself up the bank , dragging his burden .
14 She ran down the first flight of stairs , and then turned and dragged herself back to the flat .
15 As she ran down the driveway of the semi-detached house , a shot was fired from an upstairs front bedroom and she fell to the ground .
16 Normally a solemn and serious part of the Catholic liturgy of the Mass , on this occasion its solemnity and seriousness were somewhat dented by the sudden arrival of a very pretty little girl of about four or five , who ran down the centre aisle towards the priest , her pig-tails flying , calling , ‘ Zio Padee !
17 When she come round the middle girl she brought a friend with her and Ashley was with us so we ran down the dyke
18 The commandos blew in its steel door , and , leaving Chamberlain , who could hardly help himself along , to guard it , they ran down the long stairway to the pumps 40 feet below .
19 More effective was the rush by two of the protection squad firing their tommies as they ran down the ship 's steep gangplank .
20 He ran down the bank , Lee following him .
21 ‘ Silly cow , ’ he breathed , as he ran down the bank into the yard , ‘ she 'll probably go cold on me while I 'm buggering about over here . ’
22 He ran down the first alleyway he came to , across the next street , over gardens and waste ground , and finally slowed to a stop , listening to the still night .
23 Then , remembering it was five minutes past tot time , he ran down the ladder to the well deck , and away to the spare-crew mess .
24 He ran down the field and over the brook to the cattle-wade .
25 He ran down the slope and over the brook .
26 He ran down the room , jinking around the desks .
27 Then he ran down the wooden stair , through the house , out to the lower lawn .
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