Example sentences of "[pron] ideas [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What had happened at Great Casterton was that the discovery of a wall in a place where it could not possibly exist , according to my ideas of the site , had set in motion all my mental defences .
2 I d be interested to see who else has my ideas of the best team …
3 ‘ I came back because I felt I owed it to County Durham , many of my ideas for the book were inspired here , ’ he said .
4 More recently ( and more light-heartedly ) it was pointed out to me after a lecture in England , that my ideas on the stratigraphical column were essentially Marxist in ideology .
5 The conductor will say , ‘ So that I can communicate my ideas to the orchestra ’ ; and the orchestra will say , ‘ So that he can learn the repertory at our expense ’ ; and the manager will say , ‘ Because I am paying for all this and I insist you rehearse . ’
6 It is with more pleasure that I thank all those who have helped my ideas about the Lorenz equations to develop ; they are many , but I must mention particularly Peter Swinnerton-Dyer , Bob Williams and Paul Glendinning .
7 Philosophy 's business is with argument , and its theses , assuming that this is its endeavour ( which is arguable ) , generate yet more argument , such that issues are never finally settled , and this is just as true for its ideas about the scientific method .
8 Many important political thinkers have produced their ideas outside the academy while being deeply involved in political struggles .
9 He paid a brief homage to the Gnomes , who had journeyed all the way from the Gallan Mountains to bring their ideas for the new Queen 's Crown Jewels and did not refer to the fact that they were four days late on account of getting lost on the way .
10 If their ideas about the evolution of kinship seem almost entirely obsolete the same is not true of their ideas about property or the evolution of the State although , in these areas too , many modifications are necessary .
11 Recent research suggests that between 3-5 years , children show radical changes in their ideas about the nature of mental states and how these states influence behaviour .
12 They are also concerned with the parents ' attitude to the school and the teachers , their ideas about the causes of educational achievement , and their contacts with the school .
13 But there is a bonus to that in that people hope that by testing their ideas about the uncertain physics , by building models of that early stage , that those models will have consequences for the things that get left behind in the universe for the present , and so they might be able to test their ideas about how matter behaves at very high density by using cosmology , and that 's very important because we have no other way of doing it .
14 Scientists present their ideas to the general public , contributing directly or indirectly to debates in social , legal , and religious domains .
15 In this model , people who bring their ideas to the OI ( ideators and inventors ) are referred to as idea originators ; technology gatekeepers serve as consultants ; and champions and sponsors are designated in the traditional way .
16 The group communicated their ideas to the public by collaborating on A Pocket Dictionary of Foreign Words Which Have Entered the Vocabulary of the Russian Language , a work whose purpose was to discuss not foreign words per se but rather the social and political phenomena to which many of them related .
17 And yet , despite the extremely personal aspect of so much Cubist painting , the movement remained free from introspection , and the painters continued to view and record their ideas of the material world of their immediate experience in a detached and objective way .
18 The invariable response of headquarters was , however , to reiterate their ideas on the desirability of centralised technical control and to ignore its cumbersome , deadening effect .
19 At their most basic this might be a name and address book that can dial the number selected , but the target is for more sophisticated uses , such as the shared white board approach , where workers can doodle their ideas on the computer screens linked by one 64kbps B channel , while chatting about them on a phone connected over the second channel .
20 However , as Michael Sandusky has remarked , the United States and Russia were not too far apart in their ideas on the future of Korea in the spring and summer of 1945 .
21 If Third World states and the Soviet bloc promoted their ideas on the neutralisation of countries or territories in the Third World through their respective plans for Southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf , then the Western powers indicated the conditions under which they believed neutralisation was most appropriate in the Third World when they proposed the neutralisation of Afghanistan at the beginning of the 1980s .
22 He said , ‘ We started with a brainstorming session where all members of the Department threw in their ideas on the areas which needed written procedures .
23 In two waves , one in late 1859 , the other in early 1860 , representatives of the various provincial committees which had come into being as a result of the Nazimov Rescript came to St Petersburg to discuss their ideas with the Editing Commissions .
24 Let scientists get their ideas in the bath rather than in the laboratory , from imagination rather than statistics .
25 It also aimed to develop strategies which would help children reconsider and reshape their ideas in the light of new evidence , moving them towards more scientific explanations .
26 Scientists and engineers tend to express their ideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities .
27 Since much of our ‘ intellectual debt ’ to the originators of ideas is filtered by reading their ideas in the works of others , it is difficult to acknowledge the extent to which the originators have influenced our thinking .
28 On the whole , however , their ideas concerning the political organization of descent-group society , what they call the ‘ gentile constitution ’ , are surprisingly modern and helpful and seem supported by more recent findings .
29 It calls on pupils to test their ideas against the evidence , and to give reasons .
30 The Japanese , ever imitative , took their ideas from the Chinese and made them their own .
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