Example sentences of "[pron] had been fighting " in BNC.

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1 What I had been fighting for for all these years — the right for gay people to live their lives openly with dignity and respect — was actually happening , and in the most unlikely of places .
2 When I replied that I had been fighting for the extra 200,000 I had managed to achieve , I was remonstrated with for having put the business at risk .
3 A report in the Sept. 10 edition of the Far Eastern Economic Review described the activities of the United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races ( Fulro ) , the Montagnard guerrilla army which had been fighting for autonomy in the Central Highlands since the 1960s .
4 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
5 Reluctantly she rose to her feet , her breathing loud and harsh , the weariness she had been fighting since the air raids started overpowering her senses .
6 She had been fighting this insidious physical attraction , trying to deny its existence ever since they 'd met .
7 Also , in October 1949 , the Communists ' who had been fighting in the Greek Civil War , ceased fighting .
8 In a copy of Burma Today for March 1945 , which has somehow survived in my papers , I see an editorial which I wrote under the heading ‘ Britain 's Best Ambassador ’ , namely the BOR ( British Other Ranks ) , who had been fighting for over three years to liberate Burma .
9 It was thought extremely clever tactics when one team pretended not to be taking part in a tournament , and only joined in late in the day when all the other knights who had been fighting since soon after sunrise were exhausted .
10 Even more despicable was the betrayal of Phan Boi Chau , a nationalist leader who had been fighting the French since 1908 .
11 He knew there had been fighting about Charleroi , and he had heard of some skirmishes being fought in the villages south of the Prince of Orange 's headquarters , but whether the French had invaded in force , or whether there was an attack coming in the direction of Mons , the Duke still did not know .
12 Previously there had been fighting when the food was served because of the fear that there would not be enough to go around ; now there were orderly queues .
13 Earlier , there had been fighting at Mannar on Aug. 1 as the LTTE attacked an advancing troop convoy ; naval artillery was used against rebel positions on Aug. 3 for the first time since the resumption of large-scale fighting on June 11 ; and a major clash took place on Aug. 4-5 , involving the repulsing of an unsuccessful rebel attack against the Jaffna fort .
14 He said there had been fighting between Croat and Muslim militiamen around the town .
15 Lt Col Stewart said there had been fighting between Croat and Muslim militiamen around the town .
16 DETECTIVES investigating an alleged attack on two prisoners found unconscious in their cell were yesterday working on the theory they had been fighting each other .
17 However , the spokesman said : ‘ It now looks as though they had been fighting each other and nobody else was involved . ’
18 Most of the ‘ masters ’ of torture said that they had been fighting a desperate unseen war , whose atmosphere could not be imagined by people from democracies .
19 They were now expected to settle down with the very people with whom they had been fighting and who had been responsible for killing some of their comrades-in-arms .
20 Here is a moment when the danger to the dismasted Hurrying Angel becomes apparent to the exhausted crew as the light grows and they can view the sea they had been fighting in the dark :
21 " There was one very difficult principle that we were up against which I did not really know about to start with … that in accordance with the general surrender everyone was supposed to surrender to the Allied Army against whom they had been fighting .
22 Theory 1 — Many in the West felt that the presence of police governments in the West did not represent what the people of Europe had fought for — they had been fighting for freedom of speech and democracy and the communist presence meant they had failed .
23 They had been fighting on the same side in a war which is often erroneously characterised as an ethnic conflict ; fighting for what the Serb guerrillas call the ‘ Muslim side ’ .
24 Protected from prosecution by an amnesty law of 1978 , the military opposed any such investigation but their claim that they had been fighting a war against left-wing subversion became increasingly untenable with the discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of their political opponents and the disclosure of how they had indulged in corrupt financial practices while in power , including the payment of US$3,000,000 to Pinochet 's son [ see pp. 37528-29 ; 37852-53 ; 37958 ] .
25 Tom Dawson had hovered on the brink between life and death , and all the time they had worked so desperately to save him , she had been aware that it was n't just one life they had been fighting for but two .
26 She said it looked as if he had been fighting .
27 As Gabriel worked on the top of the ricks , he suddenly remembered that , eight months before , he had been fighting against fire in the same place as desperately as he was fighting against water now — and for love of the same woman , who did not love him .
28 With a curse Withel despatched the assassin he had been fighting .
29 Woolley looked as if he had been fighting a forest fire : his eyes were red , his face was filthy , and one ear had bled down his neck .
30 He had been fighting , one way or another , since just after noon .
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