Example sentences of "[pron] had been thinking " in BNC.

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1 A few days earlier I had been thinking of calling my doctor to assess the chances of having my vasectomy reversed in order to save my marriage to Karen .
2 This is something I had been thinking a lot about recently , using Psalm 37 as a basis .
3 By the time I was twelve years old I had been thinking for some time about getting a bird of my own .
4 In Doncaster over Christmas , I had been thinking constantly about criticizing the Government .
5 I had been thinking quickly .
6 I had been thinking of having a War shortly , maybe in the next week or so , but with Eric probably going to make an appearance I had decided against it .
7 He beat her easily at chess the following week , but when he came again she had been thinking and remembering .
8 She had been thinking a lot about the conversation she and Leila had had back at Lazar 's , the talk of sky cities and escape .
9 She had been thinking about her future and discussing it with her parents , and all of them had decided to sell the shop .
10 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
11 She said in a rage that she had been thinking it was rough on him to belong to a society with a theology of gambling .
12 The sergeant saw her eyes were dim with sadness and he guessed she had been thinking about her former husband .
13 By a coincidence the letter had been waiting for her on her dressing-table when she had got in from the pictures the previous night , just after she had been thinking and talking of Hilda .
14 She stood quivering in his grasp , terrified he might somehow guess what she had been thinking .
15 With a small smile that proved he knew very well what she had been thinking , he went out , and she tried to relax her tense muscles .
16 She 'd automatically assumed that it was from Ryan , only of course it was n't , and if she had been thinking rationally before she would have known it could n't possibly have been from him .
17 She had been thinking of the three men downstairs , though perhaps one could hardly count John as being in the running .
18 It annoyed her even more that his continuing aristocratic demeanour disappointed her after the way she had been thinking about him .
19 She had been thinking of Mark and she had felt cold and lonely , so lonely …
20 She had been thinking about nothing else except this phone call for days now , wrestling with the conflict of emotions that were raging inside .
21 She had been thinking more about her companion since the death of Spike .
22 She had been thinking of Jennifer , but she had n't wanted to say as much in front of David .
23 In fact , she had been thinking along those lines herself .
24 Lily looked as though she had been thinking for her whole family all her life ; she was younger , by far , than she appeared .
25 Hugh Kenner is no doubt right to suppose that it was Pound who had been thinking of it .
26 Christian leaders who had been thinking of it have been backing off .
27 Ianthe , who had been thinking in terms of daffodils and lemon barley water , had not seen herself being so practical .
28 Beth had been surprised to know that Cissie herself had been thinking along those very same lines , and it only told her that she was right about Maisie 's children — they were growing up fast .
29 The former concept had a crucial historical advantage at the birth of mechanics ; Western thinkers approaching things as materials which stay put until the craftsman or builder reaches for them , would not have started trying to measure how the inert is moved by external forces if they had been thinking in terms of inherently active ch'i .
30 They had been thinking of a job in Parma to which I would commute daily ; but this one sounded very interesting , something after my own heart .
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