Example sentences of "[pron] is evidence that " in BNC.

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1 Generally speaking , there is evidence that the church has always tended to support the hegemony of the state qua state .
2 It is known as a speech output system because there is evidence that a quite separate lexicon is involved in speech perception .
3 Although the recent exodus has acted as a temporary safety valve , there is evidence that the more politically minded opponents of the present regime have stayed behind , knowing that reforms can not be indefinitely postponed .
4 With the boyfriend there is evidence that Mrs Weber killed him and chopped him up with a chain saw , but there is no corpse .
5 None the less , there is evidence that the press had a small influence ( Table 8.5 ) .
6 None the less , there is evidence that the press had a small additional influence .
7 There is evidence that the body clock of ‘ larks ’ runs faster than average , so that there is a tendency for the clock to wake them up earlier — and make them feel tired earlier .
8 There is evidence that the market in pubs , hotels and restaurants has been picking up — we believe it bottomed out six months ago — and that is another welcome move in bringing purchasers out again , ’ he said .
9 Although there has been some success in attempts to halt such ceremonies , or at least to make them less dangerous or humiliating , there is evidence that they are a perennial aspect of group behaviour unlikely to be eradicated .
10 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
11 Once the court is satisfied that there is evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control , it must go on to consider the second requirement : was the provocation enough to make a reasonable man do as D did ?
12 But it was a book about hierarchy , and that is why it became of interest to Carolingian bishops , as there is evidence that within a decade it did .
13 There is evidence that the whole Southern Front operation , for which North pushed particularly , was justified in retrospect with successes that were invisible at the time .
14 There is evidence that the Babylonians were using sine tables , recorded in cuneiform symbols on clay tablets , long before Hipparchus .
15 But there is evidence that species which wholly abandon sex are short-lived on an evolutionary time-scale .
16 It is therefore interesting that there is evidence that the brain is remarkably good at recognizing patterns of similar marks .
17 In Rutland the jurors swore on 25 July that a great part of the county had been afforested by Henry II , though there is evidence that this had been done by Henry I. Subsequent returns for Leicestershire , Nottinghamshire and Somerset also demanded extensive disafforestments .
18 Although the fuel economy has improved by around 30 per cent over the past decade , there is evidence that the younger generation , in particular , feels the car is too ostentatious in today 's environment .
19 None of the theories proposed for the phenomenon is wholly satisfactory but there is evidence that requires us to accept at least some aspects of several of them .
20 There is evidence that in Britain this epoch has now arrived .
21 While in nominal terms , the earnings of architects have risen since the early 1970s , there is evidence that relative to earnings in general , architects have suffered a decline .
22 There is evidence that Freud 's father sexually abused his own children .
23 There is evidence that following the start of treatment the lesions of primary or secondary syphilis are free of active treponemes within 48 hours , although it would be a brave person who took this to mean that intercourse was safe so soon after starting treatment .
24 Recently , and at vast expense , Loch Ken has been revitalised and restocked , because it had become fishless ; and there is evidence that many other lochs , surrounded by conifer plantations , will need similar treatment to save them from ruin in the foreseeable future .
25 He sometimes claimed Jewish blood , sometimes denied it , and there is evidence that feelings about how Jews had been treated under the Nazi regime troubled him after he had settled in Germany .
26 There is evidence that it became the practice for individuals to be named after the day on which they were born and that couples were not allowed to marry if their birthdays had the same numeral .
27 There is evidence that some earlier peoples in Central America , particularly the Olmec , were also concerned with time , but none to the degree that the Maya were .
28 But it may be that even where there is evidence that the patient was mentally unfit or too young , the doctor would still avoid liability , not so much on the basis of the patient 's refusal as on the proposition of Elliott that further treatment was useless , or that of Williams that life had become a burden to the patient .
29 However , it does cause similar abnormalities in monkeys and there is evidence that it may cause blood vessels in the limbs to leak , which leads to severe damage of the surrounding cells .
30 Similarly , unless there is evidence that sabotage was a genuine risk , for instance in the light of past experiences with other redundant employees , an argument based on that fear will generally receive short shrift .
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