Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] best " in BNC.

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1 The leaflet shows a straight-sided bottle , which might hold more fish and be more accommodating to equipment than the teardrop option , which is probably best suited to just a couple of goldfish .
2 The Olympic tournament is being played on clay , a surface which is not best suited to his style of play , and he is also due to get married the following week .
3 Op. 2 contains one of the finest of all German songs , ‘ Schenk mir deinen Goldenen Kamm ’ , which is perhaps best suited to a male voice .
4 A further concept was that of the Ka , which was inherent in gods , kings and men and which is perhaps best translated as meaning the life-force .
5 There is no need to become over-anxious about the subject of diet for the elderly.We simply need to keep a careful eye on things , to see that they are eating a good variety of food which includes plenty of protein , dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables , together with some roughage , which is often best taken in the form of a bran cereal , and which will , in many cases , completely eliminate the problem of constipation and ease that of piles .
6 Her modesty in the face of such popularity is endearing , especially as it is for her self-confidence in front of canvas and tv camera for which she is probably best known !
7 She is perhaps best known for her book South Riding which was based locally .
8 It is probably best if the main criteria for judgement are identified as the plans are agreed .
9 It is probably best regarded as a typically British way of enabling two parties , representing different , occasionally even conflicting , interests to rub along together without too much friction .
10 Easily Accessible : Banbury lies on the edge of the Cotswolds and is therefore ideally situated for walking , but it is probably best known for both the nursery rhyme ‘ Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross , To see a fine lady , upon a white horse ’ and for its special cakes made from a 300-year old recipe .
11 It is probably best found by looking directly between Achernar to the one side and Lepus to the other .
12 It is probably best classified as a phonic alternative , that is , it suggests that any spelling strategy should pay attention to the visual memory .
13 I think that the sort of environmental problem to which the hon. Gentleman referred is so great that it is probably best dealt with by multilateral institutions .
14 If there is a mortgage granted in the husband 's favour on the property , it is probably best either that the policy be in the names of the husband and wife , or ( more properly ) in the wife 's sole name , but with the husband 's interest as mortgagee noted thereon .
15 Irrespective of whether a horse 's bad habit is associated with anxiety or expectation , it is often best dealt with by avoiding the situation in which it appears ; until the horse 's anxiety or expectation is reduced , and a new habit of desirable behaviour has begun to form .
16 Since much of the information relevant to scoring is linguistic in nature , it is really best dealt with by the CLE .
17 In older accounts the term " epicranial suture " sometimes referred to the ecdysial cleavage line , sometimes to comparably placed sulci ; it is therefore best avoided .
18 The large unit known as the syssel , a subdivision of the country broadly similar to the English shire , is in Jutland believed to be pre-Christian , although its function is something of an open question , as it is now best known in connection with later ecclesiastical organisation .
19 It is perhaps best known through the smash-hit sixties musical Hair !
20 Apart from its convenience as a legitimation of the rule of white over coloured , rich over poor , it is perhaps best explained as a mechanism by means of which a fundamentally inegalitarian society based upon a fundamentally egalitarian ideology rationalised its inequalities , and attempted to justify and defend those privileges which the democracy implicit in its institutions must inevitably challenge .
21 In this case it is perhaps best if hill-walkers and climbers took John Allen 's advice on approaching the sport with the right attitude .
22 He is perhaps best remembered for his book on the Dynamics of Faulting .
23 It was Thomas Paine who is said to have suggested United States of America as the name for the new country but he is perhaps best known for abolishing slavery in Pennsylvania 1780 and for his important written works including ‘ The Rights of Man ’ .
24 The design problem of which does what is also best thought about initially in system terms .
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