Example sentences of "[pron] the right [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Serbs , with whom the right hon. Gentleman was fighting , who were fighting in the mountains , held up seven German divisions .
2 Will he now answer the question why in the other 11 countries of the European Community the total rise in unemployment in the past 12 months has been 130,000 , while in this country , for which the right hon. Gentleman is responsible , unemployment has risen by nearly 800,000 ?
3 Gross investment in plant and machinery in the last year in which the right hon. Member for Ashton-under-Lyne ( Mr. Sheldon ) had stewardship of these matters , at constant 1985 prices , was just over £17 billion .
4 The social dimension to Europe was part of the Single European Act , against which the right hon. Gentleman voted .
5 Matters such as the hon. Gentleman raised can be dealt with at present under the social dimension to which the British Government subscribe and against which the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) voted .
6 Those are some of the facts which the right hon. Gentleman should absorb .
7 The policies which the right hon. Gentleman pursues would mean perpetual recession for this country .
8 That is the question which the right hon. and learned Gentleman fails to address .
9 I asked whether the Prime Minister stood by the assurance that borrowing requirement would not increase to pay for tax cuts , now or in future , under any Government of which the right hon. Gentleman was leader .
10 There are 31 lines in it , which makes it somewhat longer than the Government motion , which the right hon. Gentleman criticised .
11 Could I say that the actual issues that go to the House of Lords do not relate to the earlier events to which the right hon. Gentleman has referred .
12 Could I now come to the events of which the right hon. Gentleman accused me — namely , my involvement on 2 May ?
13 I will give three examples , all of which the right hon. Gentleman has rejected in the past .
14 Inflation has been at the root of many of the worst economic problems that we have faced , and was certainly at the root of the problems in pre-war Germany , to which the right hon. Gentleman referred .
15 That application relates to the Oxfordshire motor project — which is aimed at those on probation , following conviction , unlike the diversionary projects to which the right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) referred .
16 Crime statistics , to which the right hon. and learned Gentleman referred , are the most commonly used indicators of the level of crime , but they refer to notifiable offences reported to the police .
17 These are surely the solutions for which the right hon. and learned Gentleman is looking .
18 That experience angered and frustrated me sufficiently to consider coming to this place to try to change the evil which the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was letting loose on decent families in decent communities .
19 That would be a fundamental change from the practice of Labour Governments of which the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook was a member .
20 As to the climbdowns to which the right hon. Gentleman referred , they merely reflect the Government 's success in putting in writing — and I agree that this was needed in some cases the Government 's intentions , using words that even the right hon. Gentleman could understand .
21 Let us take the last five for which the right hon. Gentleman has been responsible .
22 But Mr Tebbit told Mr Hurd : ‘ I regret having to say that I disagreed with almost everything he ( Mr Hurd ) said and agreed with almost everything the Right Hon gentleman said from the Opposition front bench . ’
23 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
24 I note what the right hon. and learned Gentleman says about investment .
25 What the right hon. Gentleman might also have fastened his mind upon is the fact that reported job vacancies are rising , that the number of people placed in jobs is rising and that there are 500,000 more people in work than in 1979 .
26 What the right hon. Gentleman has to say —
27 What the right hon. Gentleman has to say is economic illiteracy .
28 I am not sure that what the right hon. Gentleman says is true .
29 What the right hon. Gentleman should bear in mind , if he cares about real prosperity for this country , is making sure that we get the economic basics of inflation and the exchange rate correct so that we can get sustainable investment for the long term , not the short-term gimmicks that the right hon. Gentleman embraces .
30 I endorse what the right hon. Gentleman said about the progress that has been made so far .
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