Example sentences of "[pron] want him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a way of saying to yourself , if he really loves me , he 'll stop doing that because I want him to ’ , Roz says .
2 I want us still to go out together , I want him to be my boyfriend , I really need him to confide in , as I do n't seem to have a close girlfriend .
3 The only point is that I want that foreigner not to undersell my labour and I want him to be as competent to do the work as well as I would do it myself .
4 I want him to be happy …
5 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
6 Charles and I want him to be godfather , did Charles say ? ’
7 well I want him to , I 've had enough , I think its
8 Thankfully , he has seen this simple act as one of friendship rather than for what it really is — I am afraid of him and I want him on my side .
9 ‘ But I want him on my terms . ’
10 We do need someone like him , but fuck England — I want him at Leeds .
11 I want him in this evening .
12 I said I want him in there .
13 But he will not learn language because you want him to — he will learn it because he wants to .
14 Making a will with a solicitor also has the advantage of that you 'll have a copy , he 's likely to look after it for you if you want him to .
15 Or is it that you want him to ? ’
16 You want him to ‘ love humanity ’ , to goose the human race ?
17 ‘ Prince ’ is not so much a person as a persona , a space , in which he can become anything he or we want him to be .
18 We want him to be returning to a club which is guaranteed European football next season and , who knows , should we win the semi-final he might be able to lead out the team for the final . ’
19 We want him to be able to concentrate on the Tests from here on . ’
20 We want him for a month on loan to give him a proper chance . ’
21 Samuel Beckett We want him in a nice jail where we can keep an eye on him .
22 But the reds and browns are not sure if they want him on their side .
23 And what they want him for ?
24 ‘ Some women want the man to be the boss , they want him to be Daddy .
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