Example sentences of "[pron] possible for a " in BNC.

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1 Today 's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child .
2 Without Mr Gorbachev as party boss , a rapid realignment of forces would take place , making it possible for a coalition-for-democracy to line up against the coalition-for-clampdown .
3 And how was it possible for a man with cardiac problems to win the greatest tennis crown of them all at Wimbledon in 1975 ?
4 … the subscription method democratized literary patronage , and made it possible for a community of wealthy people to contribute to the support of many authors .
5 On this plate was depicted a map of the heavens , and holes along the line of the ecliptic made it possible for a representation of the sun to be moved at intervals of a day or two in imitation of its annual motion .
6 How is it possible for a computer to discover things ?
7 As Ruth Aplin , teacher of a class in the final year at Fox Primary , one of the feeder schools to Holland Park , put it , the scheme makes it possible for a class to tackle far more ambitious and varied projects .
8 Is it possible for a person to move smoothly through the first three levels of understanding and still leave out something essential ?
9 In other words , is it possible for a person to know his need , to know that if Christianity is true it provides an answer , to know on the basis of sufficient evidence that it is in fact true , and yet believe inadequately ?
10 By making it possible for a vivid and urgent desire for power to exist alongside a consciousness of being the legitimate and predestined possessor of it , they kept the edge on the governing classes .
11 Indeed , both the limiting fraction under Method B and the use of the adjusting items make it possible for a company to report a loss , but still make payments under its PRP scheme .
12 Government grants , up to 50 per cent of capital investment , make it possible for a syndicate of small haulage contractors to collect goods , carried long-distance by rail , for further distribution by road .
13 How is it possible for a creature to form means — end plans for reaching a desired object , plans within which other objects are represented as instruments to the overall end ?
14 How is it possible for a creature to perceive apparent movement , or to distinguish visually between replacement , motion , and change ?
15 Only the defeat of Germany in 1945 made it possible for a satisfactory study of German war aims in the first world war to be undertaken .
16 One starts from the question of mind and behaviour and asks : ‘ How is it possible for a physical system , the brain , to produce this ? ’
17 The technical advances of recent years have made it possible for a particularly skilled artist , such as Matt Yuricich , working for instance on the final rooftop confrontation between Deckard ( Harrison Ford ) and Roy Batty ( Rutger Hauer ) in Blade Runner , to reduce the number of generations of film going into the composite ( ie action + backgrounds ) by imitating the colours of film rather than of nature ( or , in this case , of the concrete jungle ) .
18 Were it possible for a further donation to be agreed at some point during 1993 , I should be most grateful .
19 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
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