Example sentences of "[pron] very [adv] wanted " in BNC.

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1 Delightful as it was to meet pleasant company in such an unlikely place , I very badly wanted to exchange our fell citations on the other side of this rock .
2 I very much wanted to continue with my studies but had to get married in accordance with my parents ' wishes .
3 Up to that time I had very limited opportunities to conduct and I very much wanted to direct a real concert .
4 So powerless was I to control the evolution that , even when I very much wanted to retrace a particular evolutionary pathway it proved all but impossible to do so .
5 I very deliberately wanted a mix of interests .
6 She very much wanted to read the letter she had received and she thought of crossing over to the Villa Nazionale .
7 She very much wanted to respect W. 's wishes , but feared that some of the other adolescents in the unit were not helping W.
8 Either she was left with the excellent non-skiing kindergarten , which she enjoyed but where she did not learn to ski , something she very much wanted to do , or she had to be put into skischool .
9 She very obviously wanted to be left alone .
10 We very much wanted a family and both assumed that , within a few months , I 'd be pregnant . ’
11 We very much wanted him to come down to Merstham again when the weather was better , so that we could drive him round the country .
12 As a child Vidor had hated the Military Academy at San Antonio and he very much wanted to make ‘ an honest war picture ’ that would correct the excessive jingoism of the normal Hollywood war film .
13 His letters from Kentucky were painfully clear — he thought he was in love with Wendell Harvey 's daughter , Cora-Beth , and Mr Harvey was encouraging the match because he very much wanted Harry to live permanently in America .
14 He had n't yet been appointed as Home Office Pathologist in succession to old Dr. Stoddard and he very much wanted to be .
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