Example sentences of "[pron] can [be] called " in BNC.

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1 Balanchine , Ashton , MacMillan and now Bintley break many conventions , but they never lose sight of its true qualities in those of their ballets which can be called classical .
2 Thirdly , there are those which can be called abstract ballets , among which are Symphonic Variations and Monotones I and II .
3 Ashton and MacMillan adopt the same practice in their ballets which can be called classical in the court meaning of the term and whenever the music used is composed according to the formulae for classical composition .
4 From the beginning of his career Ashton frequently used the old stereotypes but created unique dances which can be called a translation of favourite comic play into the language of ballet .
5 It involves a good deal which can be called taboo …
6 In a sense it is almost impossible to separate out a section on documents which can be called ‘ historical ’ since all documents are by nature historical .
7 Hutchison Telecommunications UK Ltd 's Hutchison Paging has launched a financial services pager for private investors in a joint venture with the Financial Times Cityline stocks and shares information line : the pager covers 3,000 shares and within one minute of a chosen counter reaching a pre-set value , the pager automatically bleeps and displays a phone number , which can be called to hear the details ; the pager costs £160 plus tax , and includes a year 's subscription to the service , which will cost £100 plus tax for subsequent years .
8 One may well object to this , but perhaps not on grounds which can be called Benthamite .
9 Why do human cultures contain something which can be called ‘ religion ’ ?
10 Comparisons between different women 's magazines show the variety of forms of conduct which can be called feminine .
11 To ease the pain of my parlous finances , they 've listed the bits which can be called recycled from my Hyundai , including the SIMMs , sound board and keyboard .
12 This presupposes a form of compartmentation , which does not adversely affect the normal use of the store as a large individual space in which free movement of goods is permitted , yet which can be called into action in the appropriate area as soon as the alarm is given .
13 We have now identified two levels of stress : primary and secondary , as well as a third level which can be called unstressed and regarded as being the absence of any recognisable amount of prominence .
14 A literary text is , manifestly , the product of a particular historical situation , and may be interpreted in the light of its origins and initial reception , as has been done in the discussions of Romantic literature by Marilyn Butler and Jerome J. McGann , who can be called New Historicists minus the ideological charge .
15 We should not forget the general point that , in many communities where religious affiliation plays no part in political decisions , the clergy are still seen as leading figures who can be called upon to lead and organize activities outside the narrow remit of religion .
16 ‘ In this game you need people like Simon who can be called up at a moment 's notice . ’
17 But for many more the importance of relatives — especially of grandmothers — lies in their availability as people who can be called upon in a crisis , or as people to fall back on when other arrangements break down .
18 They 're retained , or part-time firemen who can be called out to Chipping Norton fire station at any time .
19 But the wards are staffed twenty four hours a day , nursing staff are always about , we have dedicated security staff who can be called at a minute 's notice , and staff are obviously aware on kid 's wards how sensitive security is , and will be challenging people when they come on to the wards .
20 ‘ And she may be lonely , ’ Sophia had added , ‘ wanting to meet people of her own kind , if we can be called that . ’
21 The nature of the Shell Miri contract is such that we can be called upon to do further work outside the basic contract for instrumentation systems on the offshore structure .
22 For convenience , one can be called ‘ market ’ society , and one ‘ status ’ society ; the crucial distinction between them is that in one privileges and obligations were increasingly distributed through competition in the market , and in the other by the operation of an acknowledged and traditional hierarchy of status .
23 ‘ Even if they have mortgage arrears they can be called up by the Public Carriage Office for questioning .
24 Where interviewers are centrally grouped they can be called together for a briefing session , when any queries can be raised and dealt with on the spot , but where large organizations have interviewers scattered about the country this may be a counsel of perfection , although peripatetic fieldwork supervisors do invaluable work in this as well as other areas .
25 These are open-ended sets , and they can be called sets of phono-lexical alternants .
26 They may have occasions when they can be called into use for some particular issue , but on the whole there 's no real mechanism for contact between governors and parents .
27 It can be called up fro vast databases , altered … what if … ?
28 Are we right to think that this system , if system it can be called , is unsatisfactory ?
29 There was nothing conscious or deliberate about my decision , if indeed it can be called a decision at all .
30 The Battle of the Marne — if it can be called a battle — began at about 14.30 on the afternoon of 5 September , when the advance guard of Maunoury 's Sixth Army encountered a corps on Kluck 's flank , north of Meaux .
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