Example sentences of "[pron] have fight for " in BNC.

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1 I agree with Roulet that everyone has to fight for equal conditions , and then we are happy to share .
2 I had to fight for the right to cut dresses as well as suits , to make evening dress as well as day wear and even now , when I 've proved myself in those areas , I have to fight members of my own staff who believe I should still stick to producing powerful women 's suits .
3 I had to fight for a place on a packed plane and , after much pleading , they finally knocked someone off their list .
4 Why are others handed over opportunities on a plate when I have to fight for them ?
5 I have to fight for every penny I get , I 've no assistants , no commercial sponsorship , and I 'm always last in line for equipment and computer time . ’
6 ‘ I always get what I want , no matter how hard I have to fight for it . ’
7 Euro MP for Cheshire West , Lyndon Harrison , who has fought for Kemira , says he is delighted with the result .
8 Euro MP for Cheshire West , Lyndon Harrison , who has fought for Kemira , says he is delighted with the result .
9 Mr Diplexcito , who has fought for three years to get a suitable house for his family — he has been offered several by the district and regional authorities — said : ‘ My wife and daughters will be staying with relatives , but I only have the car as a roof over my head .
10 I do n't know who they are — famous men , dead and living , who 've fought for the right things and created and painted in the right way , and unfamous people I know who do n't lie about things , who try not to be lazy , who try to be human and intelligent .
11 If things went wrong , she would be blamed , and her career as a detective — the career she had fought for so tenaciously , against the depredations of her husband , against male prejudice , against policemen who drove up back alleys on patrol when she was a constable and groped for a kiss — that career might crumble to dust .
12 Those who had fought for the King would be exempt from penalties if their properties were small .
13 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
14 Intelligence had reported that the Flying Columns were directed by a soldier named Barry who had fought for Britain in the Great War !
15 The man who had fought for her , who had killed to protect her .
16 Hekmatyar , a hardliner who had opposed the Peshawar Accord , regrouped his fighters in the hills to the south of the city and began issuing demands to the new regime , principal among them being the expulsion from Kabul of Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostam , the ethnic Uzbek militia leader who had fought for the Najibullah regime until switching allegiance to Masud in March [ see p. 38847 ] .
17 Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostam , the ethnic Uzbek leader who had fought for the Najibullah regime until switching allegiance to Masud in March [ see p. 38847 ] and who still commanded the most powerful militia in the country , on June 25 called on all mujaheddin factions in Kabul to cease hostilities .
18 Politicians fueled rather than played down the belief that Britain should become , in the words of one politician , " a land fit for heroes " once " the war to end all wars " was won — in other words , that provision should be made for those who had fought for King and Country .
19 The Minister must know that , when Conservative Members attack local authorities , they are attacking — sometimes unconsciously — dedicated men and women who have fought for years to get first-class old folk 's homes .
20 Your success could be resented by others , which may mean that you have to fight for dear life to hang on to what you 've got , or there will be little time to enjoy your personal or social life .
21 I speak on behalf of Playback not as Playback itself , but as Playback being part of the Regional Council that can a bit , now I was at a meeting this morning where I , I sort of absolutely had to read the riot act about Playback because they do not have a set budget whether you know this or not , they do n't have a standard budget as they should have , we 've fought for this for years , what we do is , we survive through crisis to crisis , now some money has been extracted from the Playback budget and whilst I have to share two bits of Playback , you know , the , the actual Playback charitable , voluntary bit , and the Regional Council , I mean they , I , I can say that they do not have a backing of money that they can fall back on , too many backs there , but I mean really I would say that I would be concerned if it was Christmas before we were ready , I , I ca n't help but think if we could and I mean , very , very happy to work with , with anybody and everybody on this to try and get these things pulled up quite quickly , I mean if it 's forms to be filled in then
22 He pays tribute to his treatment at Gartree prison , he apologises to the bomb victims ' families that they have had to keep reminding them of their loss : ‘ But we had to fight for our freedom . ’
23 Basically we were aware we had to fight for our futures .
24 When I was thirty , we did n't have the vote , we had to fight for a place in the world .
25 I said we had to fight for improvements , such as a proper building for the market and a nursery for their children .
26 That 's including Chippingfield if you had seen it as we saw it when we came here you would recognise how much work has gone into building the town because I was on the the council then I was asked if I would stand for the council which was then only a parish council there was no urban district council that was n't formed for four or five years afterwards and of course , we had to fight for lights everything that , er that we needed we had to fight for because there was no lighting on Netteswell Road where our children were going to school , and there were little ones .
27 That 's including Chippingfield if you had seen it as we saw it when we came here you would recognise how much work has gone into building the town because I was on the the council then I was asked if I would stand for the council which was then only a parish council there was no urban district council that was n't formed for four or five years afterwards and of course , we had to fight for lights everything that , er that we needed we had to fight for because there was no lighting on Netteswell Road where our children were going to school , and there were little ones .
28 We had to fight for parks swimming pools everything that we wanted , we had to fight for !
29 We had to fight for parks swimming pools everything that we wanted , we had to fight for !
30 We had to fight for twelve months .
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