Example sentences of "[pron] be not enough " in BNC.

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1 She said I was too much for her , and I assume she thought she was being admiring , though she certainly meant I was not enough .
2 If the present division is regarded as desirable , the next step is to ensure that the maximum penalty for the lesser offence is sufficient to deal with cases of serious threats which are not enough to negative consent in rape .
3 Mr Mesic had the votes of Croatia , Bosnia , Macedonia and Slovenia , which were not enough for a majority .
4 However , examples of this kind are so few that they indicate only a slight tendency ( possibly confined to some pre-sonorant environments ) , which is not enough for /a/ backing to be discussed as a stereotype .
5 rate — which is not enough — would be appropriate ?
6 In the UK , the FRG and the USA the proportions varied between 6 and 10 per cent , which was not enough to make a significant difference .
7 I made a mistake , like Margaret said , you 're not enough yet you , you , you 'd never learn , you would .
8 For the body by itself is not enough , he wrote .
9 The will by itself is not enough .
10 However , the basic National Insurance retirement pension by itself is not enough to bring her above the point where tax begins to be charged , so if she has no other income apart from this , she will not be asked to pay tax .
11 A switch by itself is not enough , so key to Virtual Network Architecture is a new version of its network management , NetDirector/VNA .
12 Change in itself is not enough ; it must happen with the acceptance and understanding of those who are most affected .
13 Indeed , goodness itself was not enough .
14 One is not enough .
15 From a commercial point of view , there are not enough to go round .
16 There are not enough local entrepreneurs , and it will take time before a new elite is generated in eastern Europe .
17 ‘ But there are not enough light trucks .
18 There are not enough — but it is absurd that , under present arrangements , they and others with specialisms have almost no chance of using them directly with other teachers or with children .
19 Unfortunately , however , there are not enough homoeopathic doctors to meet the demand for this form of treatment and many areas of the country do not have a homoeopathic practitioner .
20 Although some European jobs are advertised here , there are not enough for travel-hungry Brits .
21 If there is any criticism of this super volume it is that there are not enough explanatory captions .
22 There are not enough young girls playing , not enough of them competing for places .
23 Today , though trapping still goes on , it is disappearing because there are not enough wild elephants to justify it .
24 When there are not enough to go round ?
25 Yes , we that lady over said there were guidelines , there were people that go in and inspect , but there are not enough , it is a known fact , that there are not enough people to go and inspect all the establishments where animal erm , experimentations are taking place and , I love animals , and alright , yes , yo you can do ex , some experiments on animals but let's not be cruel !
26 Unfortunately , there are not enough Tory Members to cheer that extract from the future Tory manifesto .
27 There are not enough occupational therapists to do the job .
28 The council spokesman also said there were not enough professional caterers in the area to meet demand .
29 Most kidneys for transplant come from those who have left their bodies for the organs to be used after death , but there were not enough .
30 That gentile foster parents were liable to imbue youngsters with their own values , however hard they tried to take a neutral line , was undeniable , but the alternative , to turn away children because there were not enough Jewish homes for them to go to , was rejected out of hand by the RCM 's ruling council .
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