Example sentences of "[pron] mind during the " in BNC.

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1 He had slipped from my mind during the preoccupations of the intervening weeks .
2 Her sister 's disappearance six years ago had not gone through her mind during the ordeal .
3 The idea of doing some private nursing , then perhaps travelling for a while , had stayed in the back of her mind during the days since that disastrous exchange with Deana in the cafeteria , and a small voice kept saying inside her , ‘ Perhaps you should .
4 Janie 's distraught mother Angela Darling explained what had been going through her mind during the case :
5 At the very beginning I took it really personally when he yelled at me , ‘ Get me that , ’ but I quickly realised he has a lot on his mind during the show .
6 He took it and started to put into action a plan that had half-formed in his mind during the run from the stranded Cortina .
7 When listening to cases in court you should do so not passively , like the spectator of a play , but with active thought , as though you were yourself taking part ; framing in your mind during the examination-in-chief the questions you would put to the witness if the cross-examination fell to you .
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