Example sentences of "[pron] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 IWISH to express my support for the ambulance men and women .
2 Sir , — I would like to make known my support for the devolution of Scotland .
3 And that we actually op adopted a b a modern sensible er , reasonable attitude towards all living creatures and that we do today vote to ban fox hunting it is anachronistic as I said earlier , it is not necessary it actually causes harm , not only does it cause harm to foxes , but at least in one case , which is sufficient for me to continue my support for the ban damage to the people in my area .
4 They took her in their arms and lifted her gently so that she could feel their support along the length of her body .
5 We thank all our customers for their support over the past year .
6 ‘ I would also like to thank Renault , Elf and the team 's sponsors for their support during the two years I have worked with them .
7 Its first successful pieces of legislation were repayments to Labour for their support during the election : the Trade Disputes Act 1906 , which reversed the Taft Vale decision and gave unions immunity from prosecution for non-violent acts in furtherance of an industrial dispute , and the extension of Women 's Compensation , also in 1906 .
8 They objected because Nkrumah had set up a ‘ Ghana National College ’ for the education of students expelled because of their support during the banishment of the Big Six ; they objected to his launching of the Accra Evening News , an anti-colonial voice which achieved immediate popularity ; most of all they objected to his Committee on Youth Organisation , set up as a branch of the UGCC .
9 As he knows that the Syrians spent the money that they received for their support during the Gulf war on sophisticated missiles from North Korea — all of which are pointing towards Israel — can he reassure the House that Britain is not getting involved in that arms process ?
10 In conclusion , may I take this opportunity of thanking the Chief Executive and Directors of Plantsbrook Group , the National Secretary , the Officers , Administration Secretary and the Staff at the National Office and , last but not least , my colleagues at work for all their support during the past twelve months .
11 We in Britain owe so much to our American allies , not only for their support during the last war , but also today .
12 He also consulted protestant church leaders on the religious elements of the new constitution , a step unprecedented in catholic Ireland of his day , and gained their support on the basis of the recognition of their churches the constitution was to give .
13 Indeed , we might even be inclined to suggest that third parties that are buoyant in the opinion polls , and have a diffuse appeal beyond specific regions , are only able to sustain their support on the basis of an attractive ambiguity about their main policy objectives that precludes the presentation of crisp programmes and , therefore , the possibility of programmatic support .
14 Almost 17 million of South Africa 's 28 million blacks live in the homelands and their support at the ballot box is crucial whenever they are finally given the vote .
15 Writers and actors have been pledging their support at the start of National Library Week .
16 Some people in the liberal Free Democratic party , the junior partner in the government , had been toying with the idea of switching their support to the Social Democrats after December .
17 But Parents for Safe Food are lending their support to the Soil Association 's efforts to ensure that by the year 2000 , 20% of our food will be organic .
18 Nothing in the South Ronaldsay community would approach normality for a very long time , and most people from the village and the surrounding community had turned out to discover for themselves what was happening , and then to lend their support to the stricken families .
19 This terminal damage to the airfield met with the approval of many local residents , who gave their support to the project .
20 Whether this is stimulated by the myths and ballads proposed by David Holbrook , or is a reflection upon the living conditions of society 's victims suggested by Searle , teachers ' limitation of the pupils ' work in English to ‘ personal ’ writing can be interpreted as giving their support to the status quo of the social system .
21 Unix System Labs , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and SunSoft will each integrate Wabi into their respective Unix offerings , whilst Toshiba Corp , Fujitsu Ltd , Network Computing Devices Inc , Tadpole Technology plc and Quarterdeck Office Systems have lent their support to the effort .
22 Either schools will have to lend the bulk of their support to the organization and teaching forms which are associated with more traditional forms of assessment , or they will have to recognize the full implications of new forms of recording achievement and adjust their procedures accordingly .
23 Unix System Laboratories Inc , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and SunSoft will each integrate Wabi into their respective Unix offerings , while Toshiba Corp , Fujitsu Ltd , Network Computing Devices Inc , Tadpole Technology Plc and Quarterdeck Office Systems Inc have lent their support to the effort .
24 White liberals , including the President 's wife , Eleanor , gave their support to the cause of the blacks , and in 1941 Roosevelt set up the Committee on Fair Employment Practices .
25 And you 'd got you 'd got a tremendous buildup you know of er of enthusiasm , of determination you see , er and obviously er people wanted to give er expression to their support to the maximum .
26 The US stopped supporting Ho Chi Minh , believing him to be a puppet of the Chinese and instead gave their support to the French .
27 In the case of Foresterhill , all the main clinical departments have given their support to the proposal — a proposal that has been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team .
28 On May 17 , local leaders meeting with SNM representatives at the town of Burao in the north-east had given their support to the secession ; according to Le Monde of May 16 and 21 , SNM leaders favoured a federalist solution but had bowed to this grasssroots opinion .
29 The conventional wisdom was that the bulk of Perot 's supporters were dissatisfied Republicans who would eventually return their support to the party .
30 The heads of state gave their support to the efforts made towards peace , reconciliation and reconstruction in El Salvador , Guatemala and Nicaragua , and supported the rapprochement between Guatemala and Belize in their territorial dispute [ see pp. 38432 ; 39184 ] , together with the decision reached by the International Court of Justice in the territorial dispute between Honduras and El Salvador [ see p. 39090 ] .
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