Example sentences of "[pron] let [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And at me let fly with a ringing broadside .
2 The trail goes steeply down and the speed increases , and I let go of the sledge rail to wipe my goggles — a fatal move .
3 I let go of the beam and dropped with bent legs so as to splash down softly and felt the breath rush out of my lungs from the iciness of the river .
4 I let go of things a bit .
5 I let go of his arm and sat down , right next to him this time .
6 If I hold on to these things they go , and if I let go of them they go , and so my life goes .
7 I have changed enough now to be shocked by the ease with which I let go of my Black identity , situated as it was in my real subordination on the basis of race and class , in exchange for an illusory equality with white men on the sexual plane .
8 So I let go of the pendant , gathered myself , and looked around .
9 But when I let go of these weapons , how can I fight for my people ? ’
10 Catching hold of her and she could n't get back do you seem because he had slipped this hand down this stick , got hold of her and he you see , and then I let go of the dog and take the the front feet and we used to drag her out like that you see , from the burrow and put her in a bag .
11 I let go of his foot and he just kept going .
12 Sensing trouble , I let go of the handles of my new barrow and ran into the crowd .
13 ‘ The fifth hurdle was n't quite as smooth as I would have wished , but then I let go from the 200 metres mark .
14 ‘ The fifth hurdle was n't quite as smooth as I would have wished , but then I let go from the 200 metres mark .
15 That was where I met and still meet the only person I 'd call a friend ; Jamie the dwarf , whom I let sit on my shoulders so he can see the bands .
16 ‘ Ah , child , ’ Jake whispered , ‘ there 's so much to regret in what I let happen to him .
17 ‘ Will ye let go o' my skipping-rope , please ?
18 She let go of the cabinet , coughing in the dust of ages that appeared to be lurking behind it , and smiled back at him as the February sun shone through the small window behind her , throwing into sharp relief the patches on the wall where her predecessor had hung posters , and the ingrained dirt on the flaking paintwork round the mean , narrow , metal window .
19 The gods smiled on them and she let go of the past .
20 She let go of Hester and Willie ran to his stepmother , flinging his arms around her .
21 She let go of the rail and stepped across the landing .
22 She let go of Adam 's arm and rose ; then looked up at the man who stood there .
23 She let go of her hot grief , which dissolved and became the dew on his garments .
24 She let go of his arm , lifting the shoe she had taken off , showing it to him and smiling .
25 Abruptly she let go of the last protective remnants of self-deception , but , fearing questions she could n't answer without exposing the full extent of her vulnerability , she rushed on , ‘ I felt guilty to begin with , but I did come to terms with it eventually , and anyway , my parents had encouraged me to stay with radio even though it would take me away from them and they knew what was happening to Dad . ’
26 As soon as Felicity had left , she let go of him and they stood side by side , as if waiting for someone to photograph and frame them , listening to the slow ascent of Felicity up the stairs .
27 She let go of her skirts , but immediately felt a prickle of fear at putting herself out of reach of the inn .
28 After a while she let go of him and buttoned his tunic .
29 She let go of the glass ( whether deliberately or not is unknown ) and the victim was cut by broken glass .
30 She let fly at Geoffrey .
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