Example sentences of "[pron] believe that such " in BNC.

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1 Revolutions occur from time to time in nearly every field of science , and I believe that such a revolution is occurring in medicine — largely through the impact of complementary medicine .
2 I believe that such a Home Rule settlement remains the most credible and practicable goal for Labour in Scotland to aim at .
3 I believe that such a sharing will lead to each school establishing its own targets : not narrow targets like those listed by well-intentioned politicians but much broader-based priorities .
4 I believe that such statements are likely to be readily identified in Parliamentary proceedings and the cases in which they are relevant will be determined by the nature of the subject matter .
5 I believe that such people would find it inexplicable if that were to happen .
6 My Lords , I believe that such an officer is very badly needed now in Your Lordships House
7 Whether or not you believe that such a move is in consumers ' interest depends on your point of view .
8 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
9 There are many of us who believe that such a shake up is long overdue .
10 Those who believe that such insistence would ‘ infringe civil liberties ’ should appreciate that this liberty is valueless if wise judgment is so impaired by lack of insight that sufferers from the underlying illness can use this liberty only to their detriment .
11 We believe that such advice should be available on a similar basis to amenity and environmental organisations concerned about particular developments .
12 Saburo Kato , who is head of the Environment Agency 's global warming department , said : " We believe that such targets can be met without significant economic impact " .
13 It can lead them to believe that such children are racially distinct from other blacks .
14 They believe that such a move could provoke Labour into accepting their terms for a partnership government as its anxiety to hold office mounted .
15 This is an unacceptable to most of them as they believe that such service furthers military aims .
16 The offer is there and is open to senior police officers if they believe that such batons would be of advantage to their forces .
17 He believed that such an event would lead to a loss of belief in the will of the USA to maintain her commitments throughout the area .
18 And if anyone believes that such flexible working arrangements limit the appeal of the practitioner , then they are mistaken .
19 He believes that such vast and unexpected escapes of sub-global meltwater might have occurred a number of times as the ice sheets broke up at the end the Ice Age .
20 He believes that such delights will never be encountered except in his own sweet dream land , or wished-for world .
21 They could hardly bring themselves to believe that such people could behave politely .
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