Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] the latter " in BNC.

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1 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
2 Non-linearity is in fact also needed to provide the coupling between the x- and y-motions that produces the latter .
3 They give the opportunity to judge whether the driving system is suitable for the new user , and whether it is irritating and over-protective of the experienced user ; conversely , one that suits the latter may floor the former .
4 But this apparent escape is only another version of the dual aspect theory and inherits the latter 's problems .
5 Have , in contrast , eliminates any reference to a tension leading up to the realization of the infinitive and represents the latter as being " already in the bag " .
6 Williamson ( 1980 ) discusses both contractual and decision-making bases for defining hierarchy , and chooses the latter as the most relevant to organizational performance .
7 The bid comes nearly 13 years after Unigate made its first , unsuccessful , attempt to buy Clifford and follows the latter 's announcement in October of a 60 per cent drop in first-half profits to £1.03 million .
8 Given information represents the common ground between speaker and hearer and gives the latter a reference point to which s/he can relate new information .
9 Husameddin , without citing a relevant source , confidently associates Molla Fenari 's appointment to the kadilik with Bayezid I 's purge of the kadis of Anadolu and dates the latter event in 795/1392–3 .
10 Thus , although the HeI stars obviate the need for a black hole to account for the energetics of the galactic nucleus , the questions remain , what powers the enigmatic source Sgr A and does the latter mark the presence of a black hole ?
11 As regards the latter , it is essential that anti-insider dealing law and other self regulatory rules prohibiting abuses are analyzed from the perspective of how they alter the incentives to engage in the illegal conduct , and , more importantly , how they alter the incentives to enforce/breach the Chinese Wall .
12 As regards the latter , Rhee had stated on many occasions that Korea must be reunited ; given his advanced age , the President might well be tempted to accomplish this sooner rather than later .
13 Part of the ‘ price ’ was to be redistributive fiscal policy , and policy aimed at producing increased industrial investment , but as regards the latter aim the NEB was conceived as a state merchant bank , a broker in the tradition of the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation rather than a ‘ rogue elephant ’ wreaking industrial havoc on the basis of leftist dogma .
14 As regards the latter aspect , the floating charge provides less than perfect security .
15 As regards the latter , the committee recommended concentration on the pupil 's first language , be it Welsh or English , with emphasis on conversation and oral work , but with a due subordinate place for written work .
16 As regards the latter , some of the most mobile in the British case are workers in personal services ; those , for example , seeking work in the catering trades .
17 As regards the latter , Rose has recently adopted a Freudian interpretation of the repeated re-election of Margaret Thatcher , one which seems in line with the framework we are adopting .
18 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
19 This means that it accounts for perhaps a third of the sales of ICI Chemicals & Polymers — about the same proportion as does the latter in the whole of ICI .
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