Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] to death " in BNC.

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1 In the Middle East more than 800 people were hanged , shot by firing squad or stoned to death in 1991 .
2 Long before he could goad the aircraft to anywhere near its optimum ceiling , Vologsky would be frozen , evacuated or crushed to death .
3 By January 1915 , when the Turks were thrown back , they had lost some 70,000 men of an original total of 100,000 , either killed or frozen to death .
4 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
5 The one million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks in 1915 were shot or knifed to death , the women often raped before being murdered .
6 You argue that either luck or strength is needed to kill without firearms — yet , in 1989 alone , 3,458 Americans were cut , slashed , or stabbed to death , and another 1,128 were bludgeoned to death .
7 More nagging is the suspicion that Wallenberg did not die of a heart attack at the age of 35 , but was murdered or tortured to death .
8 The ones who do object , and with reason , are those whose land has been trampled over without care , whose stock have got loose because gates have been left open or walls broken down , or whose sheep have cut themselves or choked to death on the bottles and plastic bags thrown away by the Wandering Wallies of this world that have as much common sense and appreciation of the countryside as a toad has feathers .
9 How many African millions should be tortured or starved to death before the sacredness of national sovereignty loses its lustre , and UN intervention becomes a moral imperative ?
10 In the latter incident on Sept. 13 at least 26 people were shot or hacked to death , and well over 100 injured .
11 Although sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of East Germany his sentence was commuted to one of life imprisonment , but he has never been heard of again .
12 The victim was drowned and boiled to death at the same time .
13 In the heart of the press one or two died of suffocation , and many were ridden down and crushed to death under the horses ' feet .
14 Days after finding the card which promised so much happiness for the future , Tim learned that his wife and her best friend Elizabeth Over had been beaten and knifed to death , their bodies mutilated .
15 A PREGNANT woman who was beaten and stabbed to death in daylight had been abducted as she telephoned for help on the M50 motorway , a court was told yesterday , writes Heather Mills .
16 AN animal lover went to the woods to feed the foxes — and was beaten and stabbed to death in front of his wife .
17 The offence took place between July 15 — the day Rachel , 23 , was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death on the common in front of her three-year-old son — and July 24 .
18 A POLICEMAN beaten and stabbed to death when he was called to a disturbance died at the hands of a brutal generation with no concept of right or wrong , a close friend said at his funeral yesterday .
19 The animals were bludgeoned and stabbed to death .
20 They were tried , convicted of treason and sentenced to death , later commuted to life imprisonment .
21 Barnaby , Rudge 's feeble-minded son , a good-natured half-wit , becomes the dupe of leaders of the Gordon rioters ( see GORDON , LORD GEORGE ) , and as a result is arrested and sentenced to death , but through Varden 's intervention is reprieved and released .
22 In May 1983 , the Chirwas were tried before a traditional court , convicted of treason and sentenced to death .
23 They were convicted of ‘ waging war against the state ’ and sentenced to death .
24 They were convicted of criminal offences and sentenced to death in recent months , with no right of appeal , by a military court set up in April 1991 .
25 The elder Despenser was left in charge at Bristol , but on the approach of the queen 's forces , who had now been joined by a group of northern magnates led by Henry Percy of Alnwick and Thomas Wake of Liddel , he surrendered and was tried and sentenced to death .
26 At the resumed hearing a nolle prosequi was entered pursuant to section 4(1) of the Criminal Justice ( Administration ) Act The defendant was tried on a second indictment charging him with murder , convicted and sentenced to death .
27 On 13 December 1983 he was convicted of murder and sentenced to death .
28 — their fear of being burned alive on a barbecue like the young slave who ran away last week and was caught and tried and sentenced to death by this method
29 He was found guilty and sentenced to death , and , after his appeal to the House of Lords was rejected , he was hanged at Wandsworth prison 3 January 1946 .
30 A court in Pune ( Maharashtra ) on Oct. 24 convicted and sentenced to death two militant Sikh separatists , Harjinda Singh and Sukhdev Singh , for the assassination in Pune in August 1986 of a former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Arun Vaidya [ see p. 35249 ] .
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