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1 Whatever their political persuasions , it was the early work of such reformers and philanthropists which created a climate of opinion that began to see the housing of the very poor as part of the social purpose of the state .
2 When Dr Williams 's library opened he presented himself and asked to see the manuscript of Crabb Robinson 's monumental Diary .
3 ‘ Oh , I was n't going to tell you this , but I went to the bank and asked to see the Manager .
4 I was told I was getting a direct order , but I refused to pack and asked to see the governor .
5 What happened was I happened to be in the corridors there and the gentleman came in , that 's on the Friday afternoon , gentleman came in and asked to see the Headmaster , so I took him along to see who was the Headmaster then , and erm shortly after that I was called up to see and erm asked me if I 'd like to apply for this job because had seen me erm bringing me up to , bringing him up to see and he said erm , well what about that young fella who brought me up there and would he like to apply .
6 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
7 He saw the counterculture as a desperate cry for help from the captured sons and daughters of the Evil One ; a cry , he feels , which went virtually unheeded by many Christians who saw only the law-breaking or iconoclasm and failed to see the spiritual hunger .
8 I attended one course with about 50 porn star wannabes — nearly all of them men — and got to see the way things operate both in front of and behind the camera .
9 Secondly , many of the writers who established sociology took the notion of evolution from Darwinian biology , and tried to see the part played by man 's societies and cultures in the light of this .
10 As the coach swung around the mountain 's impressive edge , directly below the vast height , I looked up and seemed to see the grimly laughing face of one of the woodcarver 's gods .
11 The five CMHTs varied greatly in their precise method of operation and these variations were hotly debated among themselves at times , but they all engaged in service development and came to see the generation of personal treatment plans as a prelude to service development rather than as being constrained by the existing service stock .
12 Mary Hammond-Heath , still not a qualified barrister , lived in a room in a house in Clapham , and came to see the Bouveries on the long-distance bus , because it was cheaper .
13 She shook her head and turned to see the policeman by the bed grimacing at her .
14 As they reached the trees they heard a wild burst of cheering and turned to see the first tongues of flame licking up the walls of the cainca .
15 Then he heard Madra 's despairing cry , and turned to see the enemy Myrcans surging on to the ramparts , their staffs swinging , cutting down the defenders like corn .
16 At this Unitarian chapel Trevor had opportunities for studying social problems and began to see the relationship between politics and religion .
17 The boys ' attention did not spring from concern for Alec but concern for themselves if Alec was cut and needed to see the nurse .
18 Morrissey however , hearing of Kent 's archaeological digging into his past , completely panicked and demanded to see the results prior to publication .
19 The company 's Tokyo bureau chief , David Butts , twice entered the press club room — on May 21st and May 24th — and demanded to see the results as they were being put in the cubby-holes .
20 And demanded to see the new king .
21 After drinking some vodka , she went to Mr Lockwood 's home and demanded to see the letter from the CPS .
22 Allen , who has missed the last four games , said : ‘ I must admit I was a little concerned and went to see the same specialist that did the operation on my groin before .
23 NEXT day I took the advice I had been given by my friends at the Union and went to see the exhibition of the Bibliotheca Corviniana in the National Library on Castle Hill , partly because Matthias I , or Matthias Hunyadi , known as Corvinus because of the crow motif on his banners , was one of the most striking and decisive characters in East European history , straddling the histories of Transylvania , Hungary , Bohemia and Austria .
24 I could not believe it , and had to see the list for myself .
25 Some of them , like Sir Robert Birley , the headmaster of Eton and a member of the Fleming Committee , disliked the social selectiveness of the schools and the dependence of admission upon the ability to pay fees , and hoped to see the schools brought fully into the mainstream of national life .
26 Some of the spectators stayed in the luncheon marquee and hoped to see the match through the windows .
27 The Junior Chamber of Commerce began in 1937 in Glasgow and progressed to see the formation of Junior Chamber Aberdeen in 1948 .
28 ‘ A couple of years ago the kids who had been on the trip from Bawnmore just turned up at the self-help group premises and wanted to see the friends they had made on the holiday again , ’ Adree said .
29 Early local press coverage brought forward more local people who either knew Mr Burns and saw the original or were involved in the building of other examples and wanted to see the recreation .
30 Luton 's Lady Mayor and her consort , along with various members of the Recreational Services , watched with interest and stayed to see the highlight of the afternoon : the Active Retired Medau ‘ girls ’ doing the Can Can !
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