Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [art] woman " in BNC.

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1 Clause 22 and Sch 3 provide for an employee who would otherwise have to be suspended from work for health and safety reasons on maternity grounds , such as pregnancy , recent birth , or where the woman is breast-feeding her child , to be offered suitable alternative work ( if available ) and for an employee who is suspended to be paid during the suspension .
2 Many commentators predicted that a majority of women voters , regardless of party loyalty , would be alienated by a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade , and that this could damage Bush , who believed that abortion should be available only to rape victims or if the woman 's life was in danger , and whose judicial appointments , the latest of whom was Clarence Thomas , might have created an anti-abortion majority on the Supreme Court .
3 It has been suggested so far that many academic lawyers and policemen share the view that where a woman has sexual intercourse with a man , she should be regarded in law as having consented to it save in exceptional circumstances as where violence or the threat of it is used .
4 It is suggested that where a woman registers unwillingness , a man does have the capacity and should be required to ascertain whether or not her consent is present .
5 It is suggested that where a woman demonstrates her lack of consent , it is no hardship for a man to enquire whether her consent is present and that as a matter of policy the law should demand that he do so .
6 Other state legislation is set to come before the Supreme Court in 1992–3 , including measures that outlaw abortion except where the woman 's life is endangered , which would make it very difficult for the justices to avoid considering the continuing validity of the Roe decision ( McKeever , 1993 , pp. 82–127 ; Guardian , 30 June 1992 , p. 24 ) .
7 It refers not to power but to authority , and what I think he means is that although a woman can make good and wise judgements , she can not be the arbiter of that goodness or wisdom .
8 In relation to the example of the headship issue , it would follow that although a woman may not hold a position of authority in the church , she may be prime minister .
9 Toxoplasmosis is not dangerous to healthy adults or children , but there is a risk that if a woman catches the infection during pregnancy , her child may become infected .
10 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
11 Typically for the Piaroa , the women are not warned against seeing the instruments with a threat of rape ; rather , it is said that if a woman should see the flutes , the entire village must commit mass suicide by joining hands and jumping off a cliff ( and I must admit that their reasoning on this is not clear to me ) .
12 References are generally oblique : for instance in the argument that if a woman had enough education to do the job , she was probably " in a class aspiring to a higher social position " .
13 It is hypothetically assumed that if a woman marries but remains childless , she would work continuously in a full-time job until switching to part-time employment , set somewhat arbitrarily at age 54 , the age when the majority of her employed contemporaries are in part-time jobs .
14 Sexual intercourse is defined as the penetration of the penis into the vagina : ejaculation is not required , and the offence is committed as soon as penetration takes place , although it has been held that the offence continues throughout penetration ( so that if the woman revokes her consent during intercourse and the man fails to withdraw , he commits rape ) .
15 Previous difficulty in maintaining a pregnancy through to a live birth will be likely to be associated with a greater risk of a third or fourth miscarriage than if the woman 's previous pregnancies had been trouble-free .
16 The Masai believe that when a woman has sex with a younger man ( in truth I have no way of knowing the relative ages ) the woman becomes younger and more beautiful .
17 " With regard to the Native custom affecting cases of this kind , there is possibly no definite rule that can be made applicable to all cases and to all districts , but this rule appears to be applicable everywhere , that when a woman of one tribe or hapu marries into another tribe or hapu , her rights become extinguished , unless some act of ownership is exercised either by herself or her immediate descendants .
18 It was argued that when the woman was ‘ named in a press report , this obviously dramatically widens the number who may point an accusing finger at the unfortunate victim — or at least the victim believes it will ’ .
19 No book went in and where the woman put the figures in last week that was the end of it , it was in there to pick up , but it was still thirty quid out , so Pam started doing it
20 These are tiny freedoms , and if a woman enjoys being part of a couple , they should count for nothing .
21 The verse in the Bible which has been most misquoted and misunderstood is Leviticus 15.19 , which says : ‘ And if a woman have an issue , and her issue in her flesh be blood , she shall be in her impurity seven days ; and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even . ’
22 Following the menopause , hair texture becomes very coarse and if a woman has a predisposition to genetic hair loss , or her hair has been thinning , this can be a crucial time .
23 And if a woman is tackling strenuous , dirty , physical tasks , she does not want to bother about presenting a pleasing picture ; clothes suitable for the job are a priority above a glamorous image .
24 And if a woman ( or man for that matter ) devotes , say eight years to the care of two children , there remain at least thirty more years of outside earning capacity .
25 Legal abortion is available here in a grudging way ; and if a woman is refused one for any reason , her only resort is a private operation if she 's determined to control her own body — or to go ahead and have the baby .
26 And if a woman wanted to marry you ? ’
27 I mean if if a woman undresses okay let's take a scenario okay Simon maybe er you know you could put yourself in the same situation
28 Clearly many men are as capable of deep love and attachment as women , but usually more of their emotional energy is invested in their world of work outside the home , and unless a woman also has an outside career role and some interests separate from his , she relies much more on her husband for her happiness and fulfilment than he does on her .
29 Some found it unacceptable because it would be on early in the evening , because it was a soap serial — and because the woman was committing adultery with a much younger man .
30 ‘ No , ’ she denied drily , and he would have to make of that what he would , because she could n't explain why she had come , not the real reason , because it was private , and because the woman she had come to find , the woman her grandfather had asked her to look up , deliver the package to , might be very angry — and rightfully so — if she discussed her business with other people .
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