Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It seems a bit trivial to ask whether you have measured those parts of yourself that always give trouble ?
2 All that one can profitably do is concentrate on weeding out the propositions with faulty grammar and those that contextually give rise to paradoxes .
3 From the single cell , the fertilized egg , come large numbers of cells — many millions in humans — that consistently give rise to the structures of the body .
4 Yet another type of vocabulary can have difference in meaning for patient and nurse and thereby give rise to difficulties — words describing parts of the body , though having a particular anatomical reference , do not necessarily have that reference for lay people , even intelligent lay people .
5 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
6 The best that could be achieved in western Europe was a dispersed defensive strategy which would bog down an offensive , in case of war , and so give time for negotiation .
7 SAE ratings are quoted in imperial hp or kW , and generally give peak power for a bare engine .
8 In its extreme form , as enunciated by Brandon Carter , a cosmologist now at the Paris Observatory , it says that the conditions we observe in the universe must include the various electrical and gravitational constants that hold all planetary matter together and thus give rise to intelligent terrestrial life .
9 The rewards and their distribution become a part of the social order and thus give rise to stratification ( Davis and Moore .
10 He suggested that a tendency to report first the material entering the right ear might allow information from the left ear to decay in short term memory and thus give rise to the observed superiority of the right ear .
11 For individuals requiring income , an investment in convertibles can bring a higher return than an investment in equities and still give scope for some capital appreciation .
12 This booklet contains the Parcelforce Code of Practice , and also give information about the insurance services that Parcelforce offers , for when you need to send something valuable .
13 It is essential for the efficiency of a modern financial system to analyse all the securities traded in it , since only then is it possible to determine whether securities are fairly priced or whether they are underpriced or overpriced and hence give rise to profitable trading possibilities .
14 Offensive odours which emanate from domestic or industrial premises can cause serious annoyance to persons in the locality , and inevitably give rise to public concern , spreading as they do in some cases over a wide area .
15 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
16 I shall warm to my theme and then give way to the hon. Gentleman .
17 Some American centres identify carriers and then give prophylaxis during labour to those at increased risk .
18 Royal acta , especially charters , but also letters and judgements , allow the pattern of royal patronage to be reconstructed ; and incidentally give information on the king 's itinerary and sometimes his entourage .
19 Then Mr Neal read from Romans 12 : ‘ Avenge not yourselves , but rather give place unto wrath … vengeance is mine : I will repay saith the Lord ’ .
20 Privatisation moves may initially favour a strengthening of links with foreigners , but later give way to greater support for local firms when their objections to being excluded are heard .
21 People who are supposed to give service but instead give cheek , insolence , surliness , non co-operation , stupidity and render sourness , not service .
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