Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] far as " in BNC.

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61 He said , ‘ I 'd talked so much to Nigel about his thoughts on so many things that as far as I 'm concerned he was with us all the way through .
62 My rather innocent trust crumbled when I realized that as far as the police were concerned , I was little better than a criminal on whom they must keep tabs .
63 My daughter says that as far as she 's concerned he no longer exists .
64 I have elsewhere tried to show ( Dignan , 1983 ) that as far as the peace-tax issue itself is concerned the principle of equal concern and respect does generate a right to divert an appropriate amount of income tax from military to peaceful expenditure .
65 Separate day and night attendants for the lunatics were to be engaged as required , and the master was told that as far as possible fresh water should be provided for bathing each casual .
66 It is certainly true that Marx speaks of single practices as central to societies ( as in the passage quoted earlier ) and Althusser may well believe that as far as exegesis is concerned no more need be said .
67 Bell Labs notes that fault tolerance is common in hardware and in operating systems , but generally too costly for many software systems , and says that as far as it knows , these are the first general-purpose software modules , and they set a trend toward low-cost fault-tolerance in user-level software .
68 Although , he confesses , he can not provide ‘ money saving ideas , ’ he firmly believes that as far as mid-range systems go , Unix functionality is now on a par with proprietary systems , reflected in reduced proprietary pricing , and that substitution , rather than wholesale replacement , is the key to open systems .
69 ‘ To a wealthy or aristocratic criminal the vengeance of the law is as a flea , which merely tickles ’ , observed Reynolds 's Newspaper which thought that as far as the Garotter 's Act went ‘ only poor , plebeian criminals will be exposed … rich and aristocratic ruffians … are certain to be exempted from flogging ’ .
70 I replied that as far as I was concerned his terms and conditions of employment were best used as a rectal implant preferably without benefit of anaesthetic , which roused him to suggest that perhaps the whole matter would best be served by being turned over to the florid authority of Her Majesty 's Judiciary , via PC Plod , or at the very least to some banal tribunal vested with the right to dilly-dally over contretemps between master and servant .
71 At the time Ho was discouraging thoughts of instant insurrection on the part of the Vietminh it was obvious that as far as French fortunes were concerned the wind had changed .
72 If an analysis was carried out , you will see that as far as religion is concerned , there is a 50–50 ratio , although 80 of people come from West Belfast itself .
73 The pre-meeting is essential to clarify the teacher 's aims and objectives and to ensure that as far as possible these can be met .
74 Mill , for all his apprehensions about public opinion and mass ignorance , never abandoned the basic democratic principle that as far as possible the people should govern themselves , and that therefore the ultimate objective had to be the maximum of direct , personal participation :
75 AMES wishes to see the FDR-FMLN adopt a " Minimum Women 's Programme " as part of its published manifesto and believes that as far as conditions permit , it is necessary to work for change now .
76 He started accusing everyone from Sam Gristy to Jan Treffry himself of meddling with his fish barrels , and insisted on one of Sam 's barrels being opened as well ; but when it was found to be brim full Martha told him in plain terms that as far as she was concerned , he had lost the contest .
77 A few evenings later , in Russell 's alehouse , Ralph Bryant told Pascoe that as far as he was concerned , there was no reason why they should not sail on the Sunday following .
78 Well what I 'm sugge , but as an alternative I 'm suggesting that as far as that 's concerned you put down
79 Such representations have to be very carefully researched , ensuring that as far as possible every detail is correct .
80 He knew that as far as his mother was concerned it was like painting fairground panels , it was like keeping whippets .
81 As Goffmann points out , the end of conversational encounters carry an increased risk of creating offence — in the sense that careless or perfunctory termination may convey the misleading impression that one could n't wait for the session to end and that as far as one was concerned the whole episode was a waste of time .
82 I consider that as far as they were concerned Mr. Winterbone appeared to them to be perfectly clear and lucid and that , as was said , he seemed to know what he was doing .
83 More recently , however , Hécaen , De Agostini and Monzon-Montes ( 1981 ) have confirmed that as far as most language functions are concerned , cerebral bilaterality is associated with familial sinistrality rather than strength of hand preference , Nonetheless , some language functions , such as naming of objects , appear to depend upon the left hemisphere in both familial and non-familial sinistrals .
84 Having said that , the tachograph of that particular vehicle illustrated that as far as the speed was concerned it was n't one isolated incident .
85 Now , bearing in mind the very short space of time between now and the close of the enquiry , I want to be sure that as far as objectors and the council are concerned , that this is a course of action which is both acceptable and practical as far as they are concerned .
86 I then indicated that as far as I was concerned the meeting should terminate there and then , since in no circumstances would I be willing to give advice contrary to the interests of my friend .
87 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
88 He just sat there jiggling his bloody spectacles and saying that as far as he knew it was n't . ’
89 Mala blinked , and grew paler , but quickly assured him that as far as she knew it was just a coincidence .
90 Note that as far as triad chords are concerned , a whole-tone scale comprises only two different chords , as the notes of a chord on the first degree are repeated in chords on the third and fifth degrees , while those of a chord on the second degree are repeated on the fourth and sixth .
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