Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] act " in BNC.

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1 other — as may be required by the LSE , Takeover Panel or the Companies Act .
2 FUND MANAGERS IN THE WINGS Almost every fund manager is convinced that the Charities Act 1992 has completely changed the charities ' investment world .
3 Almost every fund manager is convinced that the Charities Act 1992 has completely changed the charities ' investment world .
4 The DoH is sensitive to the charge that the Children Act has gone too far in favour of children at the expense of upholding the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians .
5 So , once the matter comes before the judge , he can , in effect , make any appropriate order within the very considerable flexibility that the Children Act 1989 is intended to provide , but with this important proviso .
6 Whilst most commentators are agreed that the Children Act 1989 is in the main a good Act , all of them , all of them Councillor are critical of the fact that the Government has not properly provided Local Authorities with sufficient resources to implement the Act .
7 Of the major retailers , virtually only Marks & Spencer , John Lewis and C&A stood firm and refused to open after Kenneth Clarke said that the Shops Act was in abeyance while it was subject to a European Court ruling .
8 Does my right hon. Friend agree that recent developments have underlined the fact that the Shops Act 1950 is illogical , out of date , rarely enforced and out of touch with the reality of the 1990s ?
9 Will the Secretary of State confirm that the recent statement by the Attorney-General about his reluctance to exercise his discretion applies only to the civil action of injunction ; that the Shops Act 1950 is not suspended ; that the reference to the European Court on the issue does not prevent or place any obstacle in the way of criminal proceedings for breach of that Act ; and that it is perfectly open to the responsible bodies to bring such proceedings ?
10 She is bound to answer that there is no possible action and that the Shops Act 1950 is an unenforceable law .
11 The various lawyers acting for the pressure groups that advocate the law breaking are saying that the Shops Act 1950 is not extant and that the referral to the European Court of Justice implies that the 1950
12 It follows a decsion by the European Court confirming that the Shops Act , the statute which makes Sunday trading illegal , is valid .
13 Although the Highways Act of 1835 steadily drove pedestrianism off the roads , it did not drive it out of existence .
14 The Acts are arranged in chronological order under the heading , so the Children Act 1975 is found near the end of the group .
15 We therefore feel that a Pensions Act is now necessary in order to consolidate existing legislation , clarify the major areas of uncertainty which currently exist in trust law , and to introduce new safeguards which we believe to be necessary . ’
16 And the Companies Acts stand to remind directors of their responsibilities .
17 The UITF concluded that such benefits are liabilities that should be recognised in financial statements in accordance with the accruals and prudence concepts of SSAP 2 , Disclosure of Accounting Policies , and the Companies Act .
18 Since then the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1989 have required us to do likewise in relation to investment business and to audit work .
19 The setting up of the Serious Fraud Office was an important development , as were the increased powers of the Department of Trade and Industry under the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1985 .
20 An equity or share is a certificate of ownership and confers on the holder specific rights and privileges which are determined by the Articles of Association ( for example the voting rights attached to each class of share ) , the Memorandum of Association and the Companies Act of 1985 ( see Chapter 2 ) .
21 From the eighteenth century , borrowers also gained growing legal protection over ways in which lenders could enforce payment ( especially with the starting of county courts in 1846 and the Debtors Act 1869 ) ; and over the conditions and paperwork for loans ( especially with the Pawnbrokers Acts of 1800 and 1872 , and the 1882 Bills of Sale Act , and perhaps above all the Money-Lenders Act 1900 ) .
22 There is extensive charity legislation , the Charities Act 1960 and other scattered statutes and the Charities Act 1992 ( hopefully soon to be consolidated ) .
23 Ironically , the Charitable Uses Act 1601 was repealed by the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act 1888 , section 13(1) , and the Charities Act 1960 , section 38 , repealing the law of mortmain states , clumsily :
24 The court 's powers in regard to the protection and custody of children are constantly revised by Parliament , as for example in the substantial Family Law Act 1986 and the Children Act 1989 .
25 For example , voluntary organizations played , and will continue to play , a central role in the provision of children 's services ; they were also influential in shaping new child care legislation ( for example : The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Children Act , 1908 ; Association of British Adoption Agencies and the 1975 Children Act ) .
26 The contradictions between the Criminal Justice Act and the Children Act are no more accurately highlighted than this example .
27 For example , both the Disabled Persons Act of 1986 and the Children Act of 1989 impose extra duties on local authorities .
28 High Court judges and above hold office during good behaviour until retirement , but the Courts Act 1971 , following earlier legislation , gives to the Lord Chancellor a power , seldom used , to remove Circuit judges for ‘ misbehaviour or incapacity ’ .
29 But the Companies Act 1948 ( now the 1985 Act , section 182(2) ) enables numbers to be dispensed with once shares are fully paid .
30 Well a can of worms , or a heap of possibilities , whichever way that you want to put it , but the Children Act in total we are going to spend something like another four hundred thousand in nineteen ninety one , in the new financial year , which is good news .
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