Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the french " in BNC.

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1 Yet when all allowance is made for this bias in the evidence , one can not help being struck by the conspicuous part in our story which was played by the Empress Theophanu , the Empress Agnes , the Countess Matilda , St Margaret , the Empress Matilda , Queen Eleanor — great ladies who rose above the limitations of their sex , as commonly understood , as rulers , as saints or as viragos ; and the twelfth century would have been greatly the poorer without the life and work of the English Christina , the Hertfordshire anchoress , or of the French Heloise , the Stoic of the Paraclete , or of the German Hildegarde , the mystic of Bingen .
2 And the Spanish buy homes on the coast between Hendaye and Bayonne , or in the French Pyrenees .
3 If it is any consolation , it could alternatively be thought of as being related to ‘ memory ’ , or to the French word ‘ même ’ .
4 Peter Mueller 's experience brought him no great success , either racing or on the French roads ; the new roundabout in Bourg St Maurice , on the road to Val d'Isere , had nearly caught us out , and later we heard that Mueller had crashed and written off his car .
5 Engels was at a loss to explain the Junker refusal to accept that after the French Revolution they could never again command the total obedience and respect they had once enjoyed from a cowed and illiterate peasantry .
6 The major geological risk , water penetration , is thus considerably limited except near the French coast where the chalk marl dips sharply to the south leaving the engineers no option but to tunnel through the more permeable and fissured grey and white chalk .
7 The system of both landscape and nature conservation designations is considerably more effective and comprehensive in the UK than in the French uplands and LFAs with the exception of French National Parks .
8 When it was announced by the State Department on 17 October that military equipment , including light bombers , was being supplied for the armed forces both of France and of the Associated States , it was a distinction without a difference because in practice it was the French who were in control : even if Bao Dai was insistent that the French officers who were to train the soldiers of the Vietnamese national army should be responsible directly to him rather than to the French High Command .
9 Accordingly , France recognised the Republic ‘ as a free State , having its government , its parliament , its army and its finances and as part of the Federation of Indo-China and of the French Union ’ .
10 ‘ But it is a pleasure to entertain a lady from another country who has such a love of France and of the French language . ’
11 Pressure from the people , and from the French government , has in the past few weeks nudged some neighbouring West African dictatorships the same way .
12 There are two periods of Romanesque in Spain : the basic Spanish product , of buildings erected before the great southward expansion in the late eleventh century and a transitional style of Late Romanesque of twelfth and thirteenth century work , resulting both from this expansion and from the French influence coming in from the north-east .
13 France 's meaningless pre-tournament tour to the USA was marred by violence , both against the opposition and within the French squad .
14 In its beginnings , therefore , modern nationalism can be seen as one aspect of a class movement which found political expression in a general struggle for democracy ; manifesting itself most clearly in the American Revolution — interpreted by some scholars as the formation of the ‘ first new nation ’ ( Lipset , 1967 ) — and in the French Revolution , which together established the model of a new kind of political system embodying the ideas of ‘ citizenship ’ and ‘ popular sovereignty ’ .
15 To Napoleon , the reduction of the monasteries and the abolition of the Inquisition were not part of a plan to reform and regenerate Spain but improvised responses to financial necessity and to the French idée fixe that rebellion was the work of monks .
16 Although he was occasionally called out of retirement to represent English interests at the curia and at the French court , his main interests were now religious .
17 A small amount of local capital was generated by the spending power of the garrison , and by the French decision to extend and modernise the city 's walls and defences , but this was all brought to nothing when the British Navy caused incredible damage by bombarding the city with Congreve Rockets .
18 The exhibition unites the museum 's own collection of works by Matisse with the pictures owned by the Hermitage and Pushkin Museums and by the French national collections .
19 ‘ I could be quite wrong here , but amongst the French soldiers likely to attend the opera is one of exalted rank , married to an ageing but unfaithful wife , and with an eye for a pretty woman … ’
20 He turned not to the developing rage for eclecticism , but to the French Renaissance style of the Second Empire .
21 Indeed the position of coal , still by far Britain 's largest industry , was artificially and temporarily favourable because of the French occupation of the Ruhr .
22 Sir John Chandos and Sir Hugh Calvely were men of a similar kind , while on the French side Bertrand du Guesclin s career showed that the hereditary nobility had no monopoly of skill and prowess in war .
23 As for the French government , the French general public for that matter , ‘ It has n't hit us yet , so nobody cares .
24 The time was additionally ripe for this Gaullist critique , for behind the French attitude towards the Commission package was a more fundamental worry , the fourth and perhaps the most important element of the crisis .
25 By administrative law Dicey meant a special body of rules , institutions and procedures which , as with the French system of droit administratif , is established to determine the rights , powers , liabilities , and immunities of public officials and of private individuals in their dealings with public bodies .
26 Sometimes , as with the French annexation of Lille and Tournai , the king took an oath to respect the rights of the newly acquired cities even before their magistracies took one of allegiance to him .
27 It may mean also that strikes are openly directed against state policy as much as against management 's negotiating position , as with the French public sector strike in the mid-1960s against government fixing of the total wage bill ( Dubois 1975 : 114–15 ) , or the wave of public sector conflicts over the Spanish government 's wage control and restructuring policies in early 1987 .
28 Neither was there the level of ability among an elite of managers for decision making to take place at that level in the organisation and then to be passed down by functionaries , as in the French system .
29 Or there might be a recurring relationship between two vowels , say/u/ ( as in boot ) and/y/ ( as in the French lune ) .
30 Elected ministers need assistants to project their ideological flanks , as in the French system of cabinets , where a minister is surrounded by a policy staff of politically chosen personnel .
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