Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the final " in BNC.

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1 Other apparently trivial features are the ‘ errata ’ ( sometimes ‘ corrigenda ’ ) and ‘ addenda ’ , which are the mistakes and omissions discovered after the book has been printed or during the final stages .
2 If it is a global feature then it too could be the direct result of inhomogeneous accretion , or of the final stages of compaction of accreted bodies under an overburden that grows with depth .
3 ‘ We were stunned five years ago to find the use of the whip was banned after the last fence or hurdle , or in the final furlong of a flat race , ’ he said .
4 On a VOR let-down , the Missed Approach Procedure is commenced not later than the expert of the final approach time , ie the time from the final turn , or from the final approach fix , to the threshold .
5 It may be read in the conventional order , with or without the final section of ‘ dispensable ’ chapters , or in a shuffled order , interpolating the ‘ dispensable ’ chapters according to the author 's directives so as to have fresh perspectives on the events described .
6 The Supplement , in four volumes , compiled between 1957 and 1985 , is now complete except for the final volume .
7 With its total control of spacing , its ability to print out separate instrument parts , the transposing facility and easy to understand manual , Composers Pen must be one of the best in its field — except for the final output .
8 Others ( e.g. Hatcher and Shall ice , 1983 ) have drawn upon Phizacklea and Miles 's North London research which , although in the final analysis conceives of racism as a form of false consciousness , nevertheless gives a more active , reasoning or reflexive role to the working class racist subject .
9 Perhaps the greatness which Cluny achieved amongst Western monasteries shows , amongst other things , that in the final analysis living saints were even more effective than dead ones .
10 You will need to wear a watch to time the starts ; this should be worn on the wrist of your right hand , with the face on the inside , so that in the final seconds of a frantic starboard tack start it can easily be read whilst in the sailing position .
11 It emphasises that in the final analysis it is not what the electors , or judges , or a returning officer may say , but what the House itself says , which determines whether a successful candidate may take a seat .
12 So important was this regarded that in the final quarter of the fourteenth century a system of coastal defence on land was developed , essentially a second line to carry the burden of defence once the enemy had managed to effect a landing on English soil .
13 We may then note that in the final version of the telegram , as sent , there was no mention of " Chetniks " or of any other category of " dissident Yugoslav " to be excluded from the order .
14 This was important because they had a predominantly ‘ social ’ rather than a ‘ professional ’ relationship with users , and it acted as a reminder that in the final analysis they had the power to impose sanctions when necessary .
15 He believed that the treaty could be endorsed by the United Nations so that in the final instance all major powers would be committed to respect Afghan neutrality and non-alignment .
16 In its place , as he at last began to carefully , cautiously move inside her , came waves of wondrous , heart-stopping pleasure , so that in the final seconds before some internal eruption emptied her brain and dizzied her senses , she gouged her nails unthinkingly into his back , and wrapped her legs around him in unthinking , mindless surrender …
17 He is being buffeted from all corners — a victim of circumstance trapped at the centre of a party more divided even than in the final days of Lady Thatcher .
18 In a field landing it often happens that on the final approach or even during the hold off you realise that the first part of the field is not as smooth as it is further along .
19 He felt that on the final day of their three-day visit the inspectors went through the files with the respective partners too quickly .
20 And for the final soft touches to your skincare programme , Clarins Fragranced Gentle Shower Mousse and Fragranced Gentle Deodorant both bear the unique Eau Dynamisante scent .
21 The ultimate implant remained ; and one day Lexandro was opened up surgically — superficially and for the final time — to insert the sheets of black tissue beneath his skin .
22 In effect the king was seeking to make wealth rather than feudal tenure the basis of military obligations , but he met much resistance , and for the final campaigns of his reign he relied upon appeals for voluntary paid service from all except those summoned personally by virtue of their tenure .
23 I delivered it to my agent to be framed and for the final hanging in the boardroom .
24 It now formed a terminus and for the final two miles to Bishop 's Castle the train had to reverse .
25 Is he aware that at the moment there is great difficulty in obtaining discretionary grants for professional training and for the final qualifications for both professions ?
26 The ice accumulation rate doubled during the first aborted Older Dryas/Allerod shift and during the final successful Younger Dryas/preboreal shift from glacial to interglacial conditions .
27 The impending introduction of the National Curriculum imposed a new demand towards the end of the four-year period , and during the final year 1,813 teacher-days were spent preparing teachers for their new responsibilities .
28 Whatever method is chosen in the future , extreme care will have to be taken to preserve confidentiality before and after the final decision .
29 While fashion may play a small part , the overall picture will probably be a very sound reflection of the varying standards of craftsmanship and of the final judgement of shrewd buyers .
30 The association of sex and musical imagery reaches a splendid climax in this tale as Alison and Nicholas enjoy " " revel " " and " " melodye " " in bed to a devout musical accompaniment as : The use of animal imagery to describe Alison prepares us for her response to Nicholas 's first assault : while the images of the trave , a frame for holding a horse to be shod , and of the final night of the tale " " derk … as the cole " " , prepare us for the brief scene at Gerveys the blacksmith 's forge ( 3760 – 85 ) .
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