Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] late as " in BNC.

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1 But any time between eleven and fourteen is ‘ normal ’ , although some girls may start as early as nine or ten or as late as fifteen or sixteen .
2 It could be signed as soon as the fathers agreed the match or as late as the wedding night itself , just as long as it was signed before the consummation .
3 The problem was that as late as February 1989 they had no suitable neutron detector to use .
4 The partial success of Cuba 's policy is confirmed by the fact that as late as January 1961 Washington was aware that its scope for attacking the Castro regime through the OAS was still limited , and a majority for sanctions not yet assured .
5 I should wish you were brought home in wine rather than to come in so sober and so late as you do .
6 The Dannewerk at the narrowest point of the isthmus of Schleswig , reached from sea to sea , and remained as a strategic position in wars between Danes and Germans until as late as the nineteenth century .
7 The halberd was not introduced extensively into England or France until as late as the fourteenth century , but may well have been used by the Germanic troops of Barbarossa , particularly those vassals from the more northerly territories .
8 By this time diamonds were well-known to western Europe , and were worn as jewels , but even so it was not until as late as 1796 that the chemical nature of diamond was finally established .
9 For some sectors of industry this remained the situation until as late as 1955 .
10 As already noticed , the debate on this issue seems to have been concentrated on the position of the person in custody , and successive editions of Archbold continued until as late as 1959 ( 34th ed. ) to express the inhibition against questioning in terms of such a person .
11 It is a common tactic of sellers to delay producing the disclosure letter until as late as possible , usually saying that they can not prepare the disclosure letter until the warranties against which disclosure is made have been finalised .
12 In the Near East Italian remained until as late as 1820 or so the most important diplomatic language , though there interpreters and translators were indispensable as nowhere else .
13 One is at the end of Gaudier-Brzeska ( 1916 ) ; another is in a Criterion article of 1937 , ‘ D'Artagnan Twenty Years After ’ ; in that year appeared Polite Essays , which includes Pound 's review of Binyon 's translation of the Inferno ( originally in The Criterion for April 1934 ) ; there are two tributes to Binyon in Guide to Kulchur ( 1938 ) ; in 1948 at St Elizabeth 's Pound was still pressing Binyon on the attention of Charles Olson ; and as late as 1958 he took the opportunity of Pavannes and Divagations to get back into print his appreciative note on The Flight of the Dragon .
14 THE NATURAL CLIMAX vegetation of Southern Britain is deciduous woodland , and as late as 731 A.D. the Venerable Bede described the Wealden Forest as being ‘ thick and impenetrable ’ .
15 Defoe described the Lake District as ‘ the wildest and most frightful ’ , and as late as 1767 John Brown of Penrith condemned the Lake and Vale of Keswick for their ‘ horrible grandeur — steep and shaggy sides , dreadful heights , rude and terrible magnificence ’ .
16 And as late as 1906 a Stanley steam car held the world speed record of 204 km/h .
17 For example , in the first quarter of the 19th century , the county 's population ranged between 85,000 and 100,000 and as late as 1860 was still under 200,000 .
18 And as late as World War II , the castle played a crucial role in Britain 's defence .
19 Harvest usually takes place in mid-October , although in extreme cases it has commenced as early as August and as late as November .
20 Jilinski , however , seemed oblivious to Samsonov 's ever more perilous situation , and as late as 26 August — when the hapless Samsonov was just about to be engulfed from all sides — he commanded Rennenkampf to employ two corps for the investment of Königsberg and with the rest of his army to press on to the Vistula .
21 And as late as 754 , nearly a century after the Synod of Whitby , there were complaints to the pope that Irish missionaries ‘ ignored the canons of the Church , rejected the writings of the fathers and despised the authority of the synods ’ .
22 It was only in the late eighteenth century that spelling became standardised in a way that we would recognise today , and as late as 1900 you can read variant words that surprise us rather — shew for show , for example .
23 Birmingham was quite independent of the party and as late as 1929 was not afraid to show its independence : in that year Neville Chamberlain complained bitterly when he discovered that the Party Chairman had written to businesses in Birmingham for contributions to party funds , for this was regarded as poaching from local preserves .
24 Throughout this tine , the assumption was that the government was seeking a mandate to continue the war , and as late as October Bonar Law could still see " almost no chance of any joint action of this kind unless it is begun as the result of an election which takes place during the war and under the pressure of war conditions " .
25 and as late as 1746 it was revised by the pharmaceutical chemist , William Lewis [ q.v. ] ,
26 The second half of the century was a period of intolerance , of deepening division not only between Catholic and Protestant — though a Catholic emperor , Maximilian II , could still favour Lutherans and as late as 1583 a Catholic Archbishop of Cologne could contemplate marriage to a nun — but between Lutheran and Calvinist and even within the various religious camps .
27 A peace mission in January by the French Minister-Delegate for Foreign Affairs , Alain Vivien had been spurned by the government [ see p. 38711 ] , and as late as Feb. 19 in an interview with the French newspaper Libération Gouled Aptidon was quoted as rejecting out-of-hand any French-brokered negotiated end to the conflict , on the grounds that the FRUD was a " foreign " organization which was violating Djibouti 's sovereignty .
28 Ermentrude faithfully performed the crucial function of a royal wife in producing a total of eleven children , and as late as 866 , she was still ready to produce more .
29 In 1700 only 7.5 per cent of industrial output other than woollens was exported and as late as 1831 only 7.7 per cent of output other than that of all textiles ( with cotton now well ahead of wool ) and of iron .
30 Edmund was able to raise effective armies , and as late as 1012 Æthelred had levied a tribute of £48,000 and instituted a new tax , the heregeld ( army-payment ) , to reward Scandinavians in his service .
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