Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] of sight " in BNC.

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1 The grain may be in a pocket , hidden inside a box , or out of sight above the horse on a bird table .
2 The blonde woman was always elegantly dressed and absolutely immaculate , even when she came off the beach , her hair neatly pinned up in a French pleat or out of sight under a chic floppy straw hat .
3 I thought that out of sight was out of mind and put my handbag inside a shopping bag , which I zipped up and then left in my shopping trolley .
4 The clock is attached to the table on which it will stand by means of a padlock and plastic covered cable , which is located with the clock and out of sight .
5 So I was particularly pleased to find at one point , when I 'd indulged in a lengthy photo session , that the rest of the party had gone over the brow and out of sight and I was left for a while with the world to myself .
6 Mungo grinned as the rogue closet sailed past the car and out of sight , its cargo no longer private .
7 He says they do this ‘ to direct other horses to food and water , especially over distances where they were out of earshot and out of sight of each other ; or to split the herd in time of danger ’ .
8 4 ) ‘ My toddler sits in his highchair and demands more of everything in sight so we have to clear the table as quickly as possible after our meals — and out of sight appears to be out of mind ! ’
9 There were tears in Johnny 's eyes as he watched him turn into the laneway and out of sight ; he had a feeling he would never see him again .
10 The mayor 's stall is in the choir , so at the appropriate moment the civic party rise and are escorted from the nave to the choir — and out of sight of the members of the congregation .
11 He was Wearing a thick hedge of brambles and overgrown shrubs at the bottom of the shrubbery and out of sight of the house , slashing at them with a billhook while Alex and she dragged the freed branches clear ready to build a bonfire .
12 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
13 He had only just disappeared down the graveyard path and out of sight when the postman arrived at the back gate .
14 ‘ Again , in the event that planning permission is granted , they have indicated their intention of tunnelling into the mountain from behind , at a point which is uninhabited and out of sight from the road at least ’ .
15 Looking over the oak rails , I could see the gallery floor and , further below , the ground-floor area , the spectacular chimney continuing upward and out of sight above the sloping-beamed ceiling .
16 I must explain here that , as neither Nigel nor I had religion , I had arranged the two speakers and then planned to say a few words myself , to thank everyone , in and out of sight .
17 There was a large fireplace in the dining-room and she now set about wedging the cage up the chimney and out of sight .
18 I watched him round the end of the point , and out of sight , then ran for the causeway .
19 The family moved on past their old den , over the bank and out of sight .
20 She thought again what a point of defence the tower was , commanding the countryside , and then she saw that there was a back road leading away from the tower , narrower , bumpier even than the drive to the front door , which snaked quickly down the hill and out of sight .
21 Everybody hates a bad leaver but , whereas in the West you can usually close the door on a guest who has finally reached the garden gate , in the islands it is impolite to stop waving and chanting until he is either round a corner and out of sight , or else too distant to be able to see the whites of his eyes .
22 Next time she dared look back , the guard in her niche was below and out of sight but there was another just above .
23 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
24 Then with his head low and his wings cast disconsolately down , Woil dropped to the floor of the cage , put a talon in the meat that the Man had dropped there when Creggan had made his attack near by , and pulled it back and out of sight in the cage 's shelter .
25 I knew when to put the tape on , I could start it while she was in the bathroom , she did n't wander off while it was recording , and the machine could be underneath and out of sight . ’
26 Her head is in sunshine , a mass of pale blonde hair that falls behind her and out of sight .
27 The only option , as far as the doctor was concerned , was to get him into the local hospital where he would be well looked after and out of sight for the time being .
28 TOLBY FLICKERED IN and out of sight as he walked along the line of parked cars .
29 ‘ But what ? ’ wailed Holly , as Ruby floated down the room and out of sight on her way to the street .
30 You get a sort of lighthouse flash from the headlights , as they swing round the curve there and out of sight .
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