Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
2 Great literature is only partly the reflection of a particular year or generation : it is also a timeless thing , which can never become old-fashioned or out of date , or depend for its importance upon historical considerations .
3 Even when a discharge is discovered , it is sometimes very difficult to establish where the other end of the pipe is : town plans or the other records which comprise the organizational memory are often incomplete or out of date , while physically tracing the effluent can involve the time-consuming and hazardous task of lifting manholes in the middle of city streets while filling sample buckets , proceeding by trial and error to narrow down the possible sources of pollution .
4 You are never stuck with less than up to date equipment .
5 To make sure that their knowledge of enemy military procedure was correct and up to date , Buck had also recruited a couple of Afrika Korps men who had been taken prisoner .
6 With the passage of time thereafter , the role of the audited accounts becomes progressively less important and other more up to date information , including up to date references and up to date experience of transactions and accounts , of whatever kind , covering later periods , become progressively more important . ’
7 Burnard and Chapman go further-than this definition , by recommending that knowledge should be research based and up to date if it is to be the best for accountability in practice .
8 This booklet has been produced by women for women to provide accurate and up to date information about AIDS and the issues and problems it raises for women .
9 an interest in and up to date knowledge of therapeutic trends in modern medical practice .
10 an interest in and up to date knowledge of therapeutic trends in modern medical practice .
11 The accounts can also be kept in strict alphabetical order and up to date .
12 ( e ) He exercises control and influence through his Inspectors of Constabulary who inspect and report on the efficiency of the various forces and who ensure that new knowledge and up to date techniques are brought to the attention of the various forces .
13 She 's jolly and up to date .
14 It must be emphasised , therefore , that it is essential that management monitor and frequently check the competence of their surveying staff , the methods of measurement used , and that sub-contractor 's accounts are accurate and up to date .
15 Specialist staff within the Court will call upon CELEX , the database containing all Community legislation , to ascertain with certainty and up to date the state of any particular provision of Community law which comes into question .
16 This will ensure that flexi records are accurate and up to date .
17 Hope this keeps us straight and up to date .
18 If the right hon. Member for Aylesbury ( Sir T. Raison ) inquires of the trustees and directors of either the national or the Tate he will be told in no uncertain terms that it is extremely unsatisfactory that they can not acquire the sort of painting that they need to keep their collections fresh and up to date .
19 Some of the returns from Taylor 's questionnaire 216 drew attention to these problems , one in particular reporting that another year of full-time work would be required to bring the thesis work up to standard and up to date .
20 Employer involvement is important for all courses because of the need to keep teaching/learning relevant and up to date .
22 Some of the returns from Taylor 's questionnaire drew attention to these problems , one in particular reporting that another year of full-time work would be required to bring the thesis work up to standard and up to date .
23 Given his professed contempt for journalists , the importance of this last source was surprising , but all the more revealing about his determination to keep informed and up to date .
24 Well , I went round and talked to group , but I think there 's a lot of er , about keeping everything fine and up to date at all times in all places and all the rest .
25 And that 's 4 weeks cutting , shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques , both old fashioned and up to date .
26 Ballantyne 's style is old fashioned and Golding 's is more modern and up to date .
27 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
28 If New Yorkers notice it at all , few have any idea that it is 1,500 years old , and many would be deeply shocked if they knew , reckoning that anything over 20 years old must be dirty and out of date .
29 As Adegbehin points out , assessment of the resource base itself has been poor and existing inventory data are both incomplete and out of date .
30 LISS Parish Council heard complaints from a group of residents at last week 's annual general meeting about the large and out of date stage that was severely restricting activities in the village hall .
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