Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] speed " in BNC.

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1 If you do inadvertently end up with very little airbrake , or with excess speed , do n't be afraid to hold off slightly higher than normal while you get rid of some of the speed .
2 In reality , it may be but it is a weapon available to both parties to an action to force production of information which is not being produced voluntarily , or with sufficient speed .
3 Yet even the nobility were loath to pay for such intangibles when they could obtain a similar ritual at less outlay and with greater speed from within the trade .
4 That one man should have revived , alone and with such speed , a still smouldering war , gives one to reflect on the role of individuals in the dramatic episodes of history ’ ( sic ) .
5 It rose after 1940 , and with particular speed after the Second World War .
6 The only real fault is the looseness of the structure : in higgledy-piggledy fashion and at breathless speed , we move from female infanticide in Tamil Nadu to disabled babies in Nairobi .
7 The speech , an undeniable disappointment , had indeed been given in an unusually dull monotone and at great speed .
8 He spoke very shrewdly and at alarming speed , in a low voice that seemed to come from elsewhere ; though his lips might be moving in front of Arthur , the shafts of help would sound as if they came from the wings or the orchestra pit .
9 Recognising this need to offer excellence en masse and at high speed , the hotel had a new cooking system installed .
10 Valiant and Vigilant were not beautiful ships to look at and at full speed ( about 14 knots ) looked particularly incongruous , as they seemed to be suspended between their own wash and bow-wave .
11 At the top end is the PC580 RCP , featuring the same motor , but with variable speed , reverse action and torque control .
12 But at that speed , and that height , the bloody thing could outrun a missile , for Christ 's sake .
13 Speak naturally but at reasonable speed ( do not gabble or mumble ! ) and not too fast !
14 The expression Wo n't you go ? when spoken with abnormally precise diction would be , but at normal speed becomes .
15 There were a hundred questions still to be asked and answered , but at this speed and in this noise speech was impossible .
16 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
17 The pull-out rate for this system is 435 steps 1 , because at this speed the motor 's pull-out torque is equal to the load torque .
18 This is the most satisfying of all the manoeuvres since with enough speed and with the daggerboard retracted the board is turned like a surfboard or ski by weighting the inside edge .
19 ‘ Watch me , ’ said Amiss , as at high speed he put on the clothes Pooley had just brought him .
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